Wednesday, April 30, 2008

For crying out loud!

Did anyone else see the Union Star? Is this accurate?
Mrs. Meisenbach did you really agree to a compromise on the salary?

Say it isn't so!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brookneal in Spring

Could the weather be better? It's days like this that make me really appreciate the area. We need the rain to make up for last year's drought. I saw a doe with a fawn yesterday. It is great to live in town, yet still be able to look out the back door and see wildlife, except for the skunks, I really don't like seeing them.

Next weekend is the Bass Festival. I've been urged to enter, but don't know if I will or not. I'll for sure be going to the dinner. I love catfish!

Speaking of dinner, there is a new eatery in town. Can't remember the name but it's across from the Dollar General Store. They have good food, including some greek stuff that is tasty. Get out and support them or we'll lose another restaurant!

Support your local business, they support you! If anyone has any ideas about things they would like to see on this blog please send them to me.

June 10th is approaching! Get ready to run for council!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Reviewing some email: links and budget meeting

I checked my inbox and found some email comments that I thought I'd throw out there:

Who does the Town of Brookneal Website?
Why aren't there links for things actually in the community? There are local businesses that have websites, yet they aren't listed. Why isn't there a link to to Red Hill on the main page? Red Hill is the major tourist attraction, and claim to fame, of the area, but there is nothing to even indicate it exists on the town website. There is a tiny photo of the house, but if you've never been to Red Hill how would you know that is where the house is? For those of you that would like to visit Red Hill here's the link:

Evidently the budget meeting was a long drawn out argument about whether one employee needs to be paid more than the other employees because of "extra duties". I was under the impression that all the employees have extra duties, but maybe I'm wrong. One thing brought to my attention was the dismissal of the complaints here, and on the WSET site, as being invalid because they were "anonymous". Doesn't that just make your ears steam? Just because no name is assigned that means the complaint doesn't exist. I sure they would like all the people who post to use their real names, because that makes it easier to retaliate with trumped up measures.
Here's my solution: When you post use the Name/URL link and at least put a nickname so we can identify your individuality. This will also make it easier when replying to comments, so people will know which one you are replying to.

I've had a number of emails asking who I am. Because of the above mentioned retaliation fears I'm not going to post my name. I don't need tickets for long grass or parking on the wrong side of the street. I will share that I'm a regular guy, 47, attached, although not married, I work in Campbell County and I'm in the town quite a bit. I love the town, but even in the short time I've lived here I've seen it go further down hill. I am not on the town council, nor do I have any relatives on the town council. I've been to some town functions and have met each member of the council, although mostly in group settings, so I doubt they remember me. I've been in the town office, and I think the way the firing of the previous clerk/treasurer was handled was crap. She seemed like a nice knowledgable lady to me. The town employees that pick up the trash and do the mowing bust their butts and I have nothing but respect for them.
I've met the Chief, and not under an arrest situation, so don't think I'm the local crack dealer, but again I doubt he remembers who I am because it was a group situation.
He's a nice fellow and, from what I've been told, a good cook. I have not personally met the newest police officer, but I have seen him around town.
I've used most of the businesses in town and most of the managers/owners have been gracious and helpful. I have one instance that I can think of where I was completely turned off and that was going with my girlfriend to check out the exercise place on Main Street. I stood in the hallway with all the shop fronts painted on it and heard two women gossiping harshly about one of the female council members. ( Hint: there's only one) It was so disturbing I instantly had an image of harpies with bloody claws. No wonder people don't trust one another around here, the knives are out at all times. I doubt they knew that the acoustics of the place made every word they said audible in the hallway. This has happened in other businesses, mainly Food Lion. I hear all kinds of conversations where people don't realize that an aisle away someone is getting an earful. If the WSET guy came down and hung around he could tape some very incriminating stuff!

I'm looking forward to the Day in the Town, I hope it won't rain like it did last year.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Looks like people are not happy with some of the town council and the mayor.
The general election will be in November.
All candidates running for council seats or the mayor's seat must have their declarations in by June 10th, 2008.
These council members are up for re-election:

Richard Adams
James "Champ" Nowlin
Stacey Hailey

Mayor Phyllis Campbell

If the elections were held this week, who would you vote for? Who wouldn't you vote for?
Who do you wish would run for the council's or mayor's seats?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Next week's budget

I saw in the paper that the Brookneal budget will be discussed next week, I think on Thursday evening.

Do you think the council will go ahead and give the interim town manager the $67,000 he wants?

He threatened to step down if they didn't. Do you think he will?

Do you think the council should go ahead and advertise for the town manager position?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Buzz around town

I was in several stores over the weekend and the buzz around town was about the big news story concerning the town manager. I heard people express shock about his past, as well as disgust that he was in charge of the police department.

I also heard one old man at the local chicken place say that he know'd there would be retaliation against the people that brought it up, even though they was just telling the truth.

What do you think? Was the Chief of Police right to take his concerns to Sheriff Gaddy?

My personal opinion is that he was not only right, but he should have done it sooner.
If there is any retaliation against his job, and the town council doesn't do something then there is a serious problem here.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Recent events:

So people, how do you feel about the current situation with the Interim Town Manager?
He's a 3 X convicted felon and though he was not charged with handling the guns there still remain many questions as to his position running the town.

Brookneal Blog

I've spent the last few days reading the WSET site and I am amazed at the comments and passions of the people involved. Seems like sleepy little Brookneal needs a place to speak up!
I'm creating this blog for that very purpose! So if you want to talk about Brookneal; the good, the bad, and the ugly, then come on in and sit a spell!