Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brookneal in the news again

What is up with this?

The man admits he wasn't paid by the contractor so he calls and tries to milk money from the officer and the town is not defending the officer?

This Evans guy admits he was threatening the officer with a mechanic's lein, even when the officer didn't owe him the money. What kind of justice is that?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Winter Arrives in Brookneal

Snow finally comes to Brookneal. These were sent to me by a reader.

The Gazebo by the Community Building

The Brookneal Community Building

The Brookneal Community Building

Brookneal is such a nice quaint little town. Hard to believe it has all these political under currents. If anyone has any photos that show the different areas of Brookneal that they'd like to post on the blog please send them to me at