Could the weather be better? It's days like this that make me really appreciate the area. We need the rain to make up for last year's drought. I saw a doe with a fawn yesterday. It is great to live in town, yet still be able to look out the back door and see wildlife, except for the skunks, I really don't like seeing them.
Next weekend is the Bass Festival. I've been urged to enter, but don't know if I will or not. I'll for sure be going to the dinner. I love catfish!
Speaking of dinner, there is a new eatery in town. Can't remember the name but it's across from the Dollar General Store. They have good food, including some greek stuff that is tasty. Get out and support them or we'll lose another restaurant!
Support your local business, they support you! If anyone has any ideas about things they would like to see on this blog please send them to me.
June 10th is approaching! Get ready to run for council!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Brookneal in Spring
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Brookneal Blogger,
You sound like a reasonable guy, why don't you run?
New blood and all that stuff.
Tracy Meisenbach 4-27-2008)
Hatred is the vice of narrow souls; they feed it with all their
littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyrannies.
Honore de Balzac
i agree, run for council! we need new ideas. i thought we were going to get some six years ago, but instead we got worse than we had before. i agree with the person that said the mayor had changed her stance. but i don't think she really changed who she was personally. i had friends that worked at the dr.s office when she was in the office and they said it was like working in hell. she was nice just long enough to get elected. then no one else was interested in running because of the lawsuits. i don't blame them.
i hope people will work to help the town and get in office. we need something to put us on the map.
ms. meisenbach, thank you for speaking up. i haven't always agreed with your views, but i know you are being honest and upfront with people. i can't imagine how much wrong stuff would get done if you weren't keeping an eye on the rest of them.
Have mercy, someone new might step on someones toes. Mrs. meisenbach yours might be the first one stepped on too. No one should be allowed to run for anything unless you have resided in town limits for atleast 10 years and it should be someone who knows how things really are. Brookneal needs down to earth caring people, not big shots trying to make a name for their self.
Anonymous wrote:
>Mrs. meisenbach yours might be the first one stepped on too.
They already tried to step on my toes and I got elected anyway. I'm also brave enough to use my real name to post, something you don't appear to do.
>No one should be allowed to run for anything unless you have resided in town limits for atleast 10 years and it should be someone who knows how things really are
How ridiculous. Bob Jean just moved into town limits. He lived outside of town for 25 years. Does that mean he shouldn't have run? It's that kind of insular and holier than thou attitude that causes problems. The town hasn't grown or progressed while under the control of the people who are long time residents. They follow "Brookneal Law" which in a lot of cases is a violation of federal, state and county law.
ANYONE who desires to run, can run. If they want to make a difference then more power to them.
>Brookneal needs down to earth caring people, not big shots trying to make a name for their self.
Well there you go, we need some new people.
Tracy Meisenbach 4-27-2008)
Hatred is the vice of narrow souls; they feed it with all their
littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyrannies.
Honore de Balzac
"No one should be allowed to run for anything unless you have resided in town limits for atleast 10 years and it should be someone who knows how things really are."
What a positively narrow minded thing to say!! Should anyone wonder why Brookneal has not grown, there you go. It is exactly this kind of hatred towards anyone from the outside, anyone NOT in the inner circle, that has caused Brookneal to wind up in the state she is so sadly in. SHAME, SHAME ON YOU!! I, for one, welcome new people into our town. I also welcome their participation in the political process.
"Brookneal needs down to earth caring people, not big shots trying to make a name for their self."
I couldn't agree more!! Fire Mike Crews and Bill Gillespie, then elect new council members this fall. Gee, who would have thought we would end up on the same side. Ironic, isn't it??
Ms Meisenbach,
Thank you for the vote of confidence, but I'm not ready to step into the lion's den. My job requires me to travel so much that I don't think I could give enough attention to the job.
> No one should be allowed to run for anything unless you have resided in town limits for atleast 10 years and it should be someone who knows how things really are.
This statement got my wheels turning so I did some investigating. By your standards above Mr. Hailey, Mr. Adams, Mr. Jennings, and Mr. Jean should not be allowed to run for council, since all lived outside of town and then moved back to town only within the past few years. Neither the Mayor, nor Vice Mayor, are from here, they are both transplants. So does that mean they shouldn't be on the council?
I find your attitude exactly what is wrong with the town. Smart people know that a town can not survive without newcomers and the money they bring. Local businesses have not put up signs that say: Only people born here, or ones that have lived here for ten years can shop here.
Why don't you go to the next council meeting and make the suggestion that Brookneal advertise itself as being closed to the public, and that no one that wasn't born here, or toughed it out for ten years, need apply for residency. Then tell the businesses they will have to survive on resident money.
The Brookneal Blogger, here by choice, because my ancestors were smart enough to see the world first.
If anyone voices an opinion on here, why do they get put down? what's wrong with them having an opinion of their own. I thought this was the point of this blog. How many towns do you go to where you always see a familiar face, and neighbors help out each other when the need arises?? The crime rate isn't bad. Brookneal is a small country town that is about family, friends and getting along with people to coincide togetther. Not name calling and bashing the person beside you for every little thing.
Anonymous wrote:
>If anyone voices an opinion on here, why do they get put down? what's wrong with them having an opinion of their own.
If someone throws an opinion out there is can cause a debate. An open forum, which is really the best way to discuss things. It allows every to say what they want, without the discussion being one sided, which is what happens at some council meetings when dissenting opinions get gavelled down.
You expressed an opinion, someone disagreed. You can either now defend you opinion, or consider the debate closed from your end.
It's a simple parlimentary process.
Tracy Meisenbach 4-27-2008)
I love this honest dialogue!! Yes we can differ, and learn from one another because all have something to offer. When we can respond to one another with respect(golden rule)we are all lifted up.
Gaia So
Main Street Massage
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