Friday, April 25, 2008

Reviewing some email: links and budget meeting

I checked my inbox and found some email comments that I thought I'd throw out there:

Who does the Town of Brookneal Website?
Why aren't there links for things actually in the community? There are local businesses that have websites, yet they aren't listed. Why isn't there a link to to Red Hill on the main page? Red Hill is the major tourist attraction, and claim to fame, of the area, but there is nothing to even indicate it exists on the town website. There is a tiny photo of the house, but if you've never been to Red Hill how would you know that is where the house is? For those of you that would like to visit Red Hill here's the link:

Evidently the budget meeting was a long drawn out argument about whether one employee needs to be paid more than the other employees because of "extra duties". I was under the impression that all the employees have extra duties, but maybe I'm wrong. One thing brought to my attention was the dismissal of the complaints here, and on the WSET site, as being invalid because they were "anonymous". Doesn't that just make your ears steam? Just because no name is assigned that means the complaint doesn't exist. I sure they would like all the people who post to use their real names, because that makes it easier to retaliate with trumped up measures.
Here's my solution: When you post use the Name/URL link and at least put a nickname so we can identify your individuality. This will also make it easier when replying to comments, so people will know which one you are replying to.

I've had a number of emails asking who I am. Because of the above mentioned retaliation fears I'm not going to post my name. I don't need tickets for long grass or parking on the wrong side of the street. I will share that I'm a regular guy, 47, attached, although not married, I work in Campbell County and I'm in the town quite a bit. I love the town, but even in the short time I've lived here I've seen it go further down hill. I am not on the town council, nor do I have any relatives on the town council. I've been to some town functions and have met each member of the council, although mostly in group settings, so I doubt they remember me. I've been in the town office, and I think the way the firing of the previous clerk/treasurer was handled was crap. She seemed like a nice knowledgable lady to me. The town employees that pick up the trash and do the mowing bust their butts and I have nothing but respect for them.
I've met the Chief, and not under an arrest situation, so don't think I'm the local crack dealer, but again I doubt he remembers who I am because it was a group situation.
He's a nice fellow and, from what I've been told, a good cook. I have not personally met the newest police officer, but I have seen him around town.
I've used most of the businesses in town and most of the managers/owners have been gracious and helpful. I have one instance that I can think of where I was completely turned off and that was going with my girlfriend to check out the exercise place on Main Street. I stood in the hallway with all the shop fronts painted on it and heard two women gossiping harshly about one of the female council members. ( Hint: there's only one) It was so disturbing I instantly had an image of harpies with bloody claws. No wonder people don't trust one another around here, the knives are out at all times. I doubt they knew that the acoustics of the place made every word they said audible in the hallway. This has happened in other businesses, mainly Food Lion. I hear all kinds of conversations where people don't realize that an aisle away someone is getting an earful. If the WSET guy came down and hung around he could tape some very incriminating stuff!

I'm looking forward to the Day in the Town, I hope it won't rain like it did last year.


Anonymous said...

Brookneal Blogger,

I don't think you're really a 47 year old guy. Could be wrong...but I really don't think so.

That aside, I don't necessarily disagree with everything you've said. But, the only thing I will comment on (because it's the only thing I've had time to digest this morning) is the town of Brookneal website. I went to have a look around since you brought it up. It has a pleasing look to it but many of the links don't work. For instance, I was all psyched to see pictures from last year’s day in the town only to find you could click and click and get nowhere. The site used to be really good, I went to it a few years back (maybe a little more, I don't remember) It was updated regularly and had some cool stuff on it. I guess if you can't maintain the town what's the point of maintaining the town's website. Or, maybe no one there is capable of maintaining it. I notice it's outsourced to another business.

Anyway, Brookneal isn't all gloom and doom. There are some terrific businesses in town that people should support. These people work hard and will go out of their way to help you. Something you don't always get from the big box/chain stores in the city.

Day in the Town is coming up, and even though some want to give the Mayor credit for that (insert rolling eyes here), there are a lot of great people that make this day possible. So I, for one, am looking forward to a fun day in Brookneal with good food, some entertainment (aside from the council), and cool things from local crafters.

Brookneal Blogger said...

truth seeker said:

>I don't think you're really a 47 year old guy. Could be wrong...but I really don't think so.

I hope that means you think I'm a 26 year old guy with a rock hard body and high paying job. Don't know how I can prove my age, or gender, because if I post a photo it will end up on the town office wall with Most Wanted under it.

I am curious though, who, or what, do you think I am?

I agree that the town has some great businesses. I am wondering where the sex shops are that the woman wrote about in the paper this week. I've always thought Brookneal was a fairly wholesome town, but after reading the paper I can see that I missed some of the more exciting places in town.

Anonymous said...

wow, this like a game show now, let's see what could it's nome be???Give us some more hints!!! What happened to discussing BROOKNEAL and all of its ROYALITY!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care who you are, I'm just glad you created this place so we can talk about the town and not get censored.

The council can't pretend they don't know about complaints if it's here in print.
I'm tired of hearing people say "We've never heard anyone complain" but they don't answer they phones if you call, or they lie to your face and agree there is a problem and then lie to the paper that they've were unaware the problem existed.

I think the next time my water turns off green I'll go dump some in those stupid flower pots and kill the plants, then they'd see what we have to drink here.

Anonymous said...

"I stood in the hallway with all the shop fronts painted on it and heard two women gossiping harshly about one of the female council members. ( Hint: there's only one) It was so disturbing I instantly had an image of harpies with bloody claws. No wonder people don't trust one another around here, the knives are out at all times. I doubt they knew that the acoustics of the place made every word they said audible in the hallway. This has happened in other businesses, mainly Food Lion. I hear all kinds of conversations where people don't realize that an aisle away someone is getting an earful. If the WSET guy came down and hung around he could tape some very incriminating stuff!"

The funny thing about people who are constantly running their mouths off about this that or the other, usually don't care who their subject is, and the listener one day is as likely to be the topic the next day.

Anonymous said...

Gee, that one female council member is only 1 of 2 (the other being Ken Jennings) that have any backbone to stand up against the mayor and her little puppets and at least has some brains, which the rest of the council seems to be missing.

Anonymous said...

Brookneal Blogger said...
truth seeker said:

>I don't think you're really a 47 year old guy. Could be wrong...but I really don't think so......

........I am curious though, who, or what, do you think I am?

LOL I really don't "know" who you are, but I have my suspicions. Since that is all they are, I will leave it at that. Think of it like this, as long as you have those glasses on, who am I to tell folks you're really superman. *grin*

Brookneal Blogger said...

Truth Seeker,

>I really don't "know" who you are, but I have my suspicions. Since that is all they are, I will leave it at that. Think of it like this, as long as you have those glasses on, who am I to tell folks you're really superman. *grin*

I don't wear glasses, unless they are my super secret night vision spy shades.

Unless your suspicions roll toward a middle aged guy with greying hair then you're not in the ballpark. My girlfriend has spent the last 6 years beating me up to get me more in touch with my sensitive side, so if I'm coming off as a sissy then it is her fault. I'll try harder to be more manly and redneck so people won't be afraid I'm a girly man sneaking in.

The Brookneal Blogger

Anonymous said...

Brookneal Blogger,

I didn’t mean you really had glasses. LOL Just that, if you had an alter ego, I wouldn’t be the one to spoil it for you. I also never said you sounded like a girl or anything...interesting, though, that you would bring that up.

Anyway, I really don’t care who you are. I like your style and appreciate this blog. Wish it got a little more attention though. Of course, who knows how many read and never post.

And pay no attention to me…I watch entirely too much law & order. Sometimes the detective wannabe gets the best of me. *wink*