Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Read the Union Star today. Looks like Mr. Hailey is the only one that has submitted his paperwork. After reading the bios for him and Mr. Nowlin I have to ask "Doesn't anyone else want to run?"

Step up people and take back your town! If we don't get some council members voted in that want progress and financial stability then we might as well turn in the charter.

If you know of anyone willing to run, that has the integrity and brains to do the job then please get them up to the county office!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So what happened?

I just got back in to town tonight and missed the meeting. What happened? Any fireworks or arguments?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's getting deep

I mean the rain. It hasn't rained this much since I moved here. I think there have been at least three droughts in the last five years. I'm not complaining, we desperately need to rain.

Took the GF out for Mother's Day, she's not my mom ( I'm not that strange) but she has intentions of being one some day, so I figured the practice wouldn't hurt. The Skillet looked packed so we went down to South Boston. It has gotten really green since the rains started.

I haven't heard much around town, although I did catch a few sentences of discontent while in the NAPA store this week. I also caught a few mumblings at the Jiffy Mart. I think most people are just waiting to see what happens with the budget. It will probably go through, it will be interesting to see who supports it and who doesn't.

I do have a question about a local feature: where is Craptown?
I've heard two elderly people mention it, but I've never seen any signs that say Craptown, and because of the age of the people talking I don't think they are joking, I think they are talking about a community.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A good question

Truthseeker asked a very good question at the end of the last post and I shamelessly took it to use for my newest post:

Someone please tell me WHAT Mayor Campbell, Mr. Adams, Mr. Nowlin, and Mr. Hailey have done for the town and its citizens since they have been in office. They have all been in office long enough to have a record on issues. What have they done to make Brookneal a better place to live?

So step up and tell us what has been done that is positive. Don't ramble about the grants and such, the majority of work on those has been done by Region 2000 and Mrs. Hitchcock. I want to know WHAT they have done to attract new businesses, promote real estate growth, clean up blight, etc. Are the town employees happier than they were 6 years ago?

What is better about Brookneal?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bass Festival and Day in the Town

I could see that some trucks and boat trailers had arrived in town and things were busy down by the boat ramp. Looks like people are getting ready on Main Street for Day in the Town.
I have to question the common sense of the Main Street business owner that decided to rip a huge hole in the awning and leave construction scaffolding up. Couldn't they have waited a week? Seems unsafe when you think about the children that will be running loose in town.
Looks like the weather will be good for the whole weekend, so I'll be down on the river. I'll be the one without a fishing pole!

Looks like we don't have anything in the paper indicating that Brookneal is looking for a new town manager.