Friday, May 2, 2008

Bass Festival and Day in the Town

I could see that some trucks and boat trailers had arrived in town and things were busy down by the boat ramp. Looks like people are getting ready on Main Street for Day in the Town.
I have to question the common sense of the Main Street business owner that decided to rip a huge hole in the awning and leave construction scaffolding up. Couldn't they have waited a week? Seems unsafe when you think about the children that will be running loose in town.
Looks like the weather will be good for the whole weekend, so I'll be down on the river. I'll be the one without a fishing pole!

Looks like we don't have anything in the paper indicating that Brookneal is looking for a new town manager.


Anonymous said...

maybe you can catch us a new town manager with your rod and reel

Tuffy Horse said...

We walked up there with the dogs and visited. There weren't many booths. The food was good though. We had some BBQ.
We also took our new dogs out in public. We adopted them from the Appomattox pound. They are such good dogs, hard to believe someone would give them up. They were all on leashes. (grin)

I don't know who the late afternoon band was but they sounded good.

It was a nice day in Brookneal, but
sadly we had to return home and start mowing.

Tracy Meisenbach (updated 4-30-2008)

Unknown said...

As I drove through town late Friday afternoon, I did not see Ms. Meisenbach helping set up. Where was she?
As for two council members cleaning up their property, which two? I can think of four that need to clean up, paint, cut grass, etc.
The dogs Ms. Meisenbach talks about, where are they? They must be attracted to her property because they are not on mine and I can spit on her house but dare not--it would be the subject of another harrangue at a council meeting and/or The Union Star.

Tuffy Horse said...


Setting up what? I didn't have a booth, neither did the town. I have not been "invited" to participate in ANY of the discussions regarding day in the town, employee issues, or anything else. Those discussions are handled by the same four people all the time.

If you want to spit on my property go right ahead, try to hit the beer cans people throw out on Carson Street. If you haven't seen the loose dogs then you must live under a rock. I've had animal control over several times to pick up loose dogs, including the one that threatened my mother on her porch. (she can also spit on my property)

Of course, if you don't like living next door to a horse farm then I can rememdy that and sell my big open field to the low income housing group that has expressed interest in it several times in the past few years. I'm sure you'd notice a dog problem then.

This spitting issue has me intrigued. My house sits exactly 110 feet from the Cook Ave, and over 1500 feet from Carson street. Can you really spit that far? How do you practice? Do you use tobacco, or just regular spit? Seriously, I'm impressed. As a woman it would have never occured to me to take up target spitting.

Tracy Meisenbach (updated 4-30-2008)

Brookneal Blogger said...


I drove through town on Friday night too, and I didn't see Mr. Adams, Mr Jean, Mr Jennings, or Mr Hailey helping to set things up either, but you didn't mention that, you just singled out one person for you venom.

I've seen loose dogs all over town, perhaps they stay away from you out of professional courtesy, like sharks that won't bite lawyers.

I walked around day in the town and actually stopped and stood two feet from Mayor Campbell. I didn't get a hello, a smile or even an acknowledgment that I existed. I also passed right by Mr. Crews, who didn't say hello either. Sgt. Carr smiled and waved as he drove past in the police cart.
My girlfriend and I, and her niece, did stop and pet Ms. Meisenbach's puppy and she was kind enough to talk to a little girl and answer all her questions about the dog, and even invited her down to visit her pony. I'm sure ours was one of several that got the same invitation and kindness. Even though she didn't know us and had no idea whether we lived in town or not she was pleasant, something I can't say for the rest of the town officials we saw.

Anonymous said...


get a grip. how much did mayor campbell pay you to come here and rag on ms meisenbach?

you are probably one of the people that think the budget needs to be approved. because we so need to be paying a convicted felon more than our chief of police.

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Such hostility here Martha! I'm no expert, but it seems to me you have an ax to grind with Ms. Meisenbach on a personal level. You certainly do not have to like someone if you don't want to. Heck, I don't like most of the council or the mayor personally but I try to be fair and give them credit when credit is due. Fortunately, I don't have to do that very often. ROFLOL!!

But, I digress. I was in town Friday afternoon/evening as well. The only town official I saw doing anything was the Mayor. I will give her this much, she does get out there and do what needs to be done when day in the town approaches.

Why point out that Ms. Meisenbach wasn't seen doing anything when I didn't see Mr. Adams, Mr. Jean, Mr. Hailey, Mr. Nowlin, or Mr. Jennings doing anything either? Fair is fair Ms. Martha!

I was there for day in the town. I saw Mayor Campbell out being the Mayor. Didn't really see her chatting it up with us common folks, only her family, inner circle, and other town officials...but she was there.

Mr. Nowlin and Mr. Hailey seemed to be joined at the hip the entire time I was there. Not sure what they were discussing but I would bet money it was something to do with shady town business and/or doing something sneaky.

Mr. Jean and his wife were very friendly to me.

Didn't see Mr. Adams or Mr. Jennings anywhere.

I also didn't see Ms. Meisenbach while I was there. I was hoping she would have her horses there this year.

Now, I was only there for about an hour or so, so any of those people could have been around at different times during the day. I didn't want to spoil my day by seeking certain ones out.

There really wasn't much to do this year at day in the town, other than eat. By the way, the food I had was excellent!!

There also didn't seem to be as many booths or people there this year compared to previous years. That kind of baffles me since the weather was beautiful this year!

I have to say, though, as nice as the day in the town was, it doesn't make up for the shenanigans the mayor and council have pulled over the last few years. I'm really hoping someone will step up and run against those up for reelection this year.

Unknown said...

Oh, do I detect that the only people you want to respond are pro-Tracy? Not all of Brookneal wants her and the low income housing threat has been used before even by Mr. Smith when she wanted to buy the property in the first place. I shall continue to monitor this blog. I hope to see more people with intestinal fortitude speak out.

Tuffy Horse said...

Brooke wrote:

>Oh, do I detect that the only people you want to respond are pro-Tracy?

I don't think that was the case at all. I think the issue was based more on singling people out about something, when there are others who did the same thing.

>Not all of Brookneal wants her

I'm sure, but I have yet to have a business owner tell me not to spend money in their establishment, if you know of one please have them call me and tell me point blank they don't want my money (in regards to businesses I'd actually go into in the first place). You can also comb through town minutes and see where I haven't voted for anything illegal. I'm sure some people DO have a problem with that.

>and the low income housing threat has been used before even by Mr. Smith when she wanted to buy the property in the first place.

I have no idea what Mr. Smith told anybody, I wasn't here when he talked to the council, but I did read the transcript and low income housing was NOT mentioned. We were approached by two difference housing groups right after we cleared the property, whether they ever approached Mr. Smith I do not know. We have been checked with several times since and have a standing offer.

>I shall continue to monitor this blog. I hope to see more people with intestinal fortitude speak out.

They have been speaking out, they just haven't been listened to.

Tracy Meisenbach (updated 4-30-2008)

Tuffy Horse said...

Brookneal Blogger wrote:
>My girlfriend and I, and her niece, did stop and pet Ms. Meisenbach's puppy and she was kind enough to talk to a little girl and answer all her questions about the dog, and even invited her down to visit her pony.

Well that narrows it down to about 25 people. I'll have to think back on who petted the dogs. Come on, give me another hint! Where were we?

Tracy Meisenbach (updated 4-30-2008)

Anonymous said...


not everyone likes the mayor either. i haven't heard of any other council members harrassing employees, or trying to give their friends favors like tax penalty abatements or getting tickets pulled.
i worked at brookneal family medical when she was the office manager and the best thing they ever did was make it so she couldn't work there because her husband did.
and let's not forget about the brookneal pool either. a bunch of snooty racists. i don't know how they get away with it since discrimination is illegal. our own vice mayor can't even join, and neither could the interim town manager or the chief of police. it's shows support for racism for the mayor to even be a member of a group that excludes people based on the color of their skin. and i don't even want to hear the bullshit, again, about how it's a private club and doesn't have any spots open. they added plenty of white people over the years, and no blacks or hispanics.

do you think the rest of the town is blind to this stuff? that we don't understand that most of us are looked down on and disregarded by the snobs. here's what i do, when i know a business owner is buddies with the snobs i don't shop there. i give my business to the down home people, not the brookneal elite/snobs.

Anonymous said...

well some of us do like ms meisenbach, and mr jennings. and we appreciate that they stand up for the employees and don't treat them so bad.

Anonymous said...

So Brooke, was that comment intended for me? It wasn't very clear.

Of course anyone can respond, pro Tracy or anti Tracy. It's not my blog so I don't give a flying rip who responds!! I was simply saying that if you are going to point out that she wasn't there then you should also point out that the others were not there either. Fair is fair, that's all.

I was also making the point that you seem to have a personal ax to grind with Ms. Meisenbach. Look, I don't know Ms. Meisenbach except to speak in passing. She's always been very nice to me though. If you don't like her then you don't like her. So be it.

I also admire anyone that has the "intestinal fortitude" (your words) to speak out against the status quo, which, IMO, is what Ms. Meisenbach does. I'm sure that will rub some people the wrong way. That's life!

I may not agree with you, I may not agree with the council, and I may not always agree with Ms. Meisenbach, but I do appreciate a decent debate and welcome comments from all sides. If you're going to post on a blog that is dealing with political issues then you have to expect some flack from those that disagree with you. I know that I dish it out, but I can promise you, my skin is thick enough to take it as well.

Now, I have a serious question for everyone here. I'm not being flippant or anything. Someone please tell me WHAT Mayor Campbell, Mr. Adams, Mr. Nowlin, and Mr. Hailey have done for the town and its citizens since they have been in office. They have all been in office long enough to have a record on issues. What have they done to make Brookneal a better place to live?

Anonymous said...

The Mayor has really disappointed us since she was elected.During the day in the town, My daughter who lost a very dear person in her life last week stood not even 2 feet from Mayor Campbell and while being consoled by another childs mother, Mrs. Campbell stood there looking at her and myself with the tears pouring and never said a word. The Mayor has grandchildren at the school and she had to have known what was going on yet she never bothered to say a word to her or to us while we stood side by side for a good 10 minutes before putting that nose in the air and walking off. Guess we aren't good enough for her to speak to huh?

Mayor Campbell was was asked on election day and many times after the day that she was elected if she would see to it that several speed bumps were placed on the road in front of my home where not only my children play but seems like the rest of the kids in the town tend to gather as well and she promised us that she would get that done. I spoke to her about the crack heads and drunks that speed up and down my road every day and these kids are young and though I watch my kids very closely, some of these kids are babies and nobody is watching them and they stumble right out in the street in front of cars and never know to look at all. Even being careful hasn't stopped my son from getting hit on his bike on the platform we park our cars on in our yard... as a girl came over the hill going way too fast to even be able to stop she wasn't sure what she had hit until she reached the end of the road and looked back to see him picking his bike up and getting up off the ground himself. There are still no speed bumps, my fence has been taken down several times during the night by these people that are going too fast and intoxicated, my broken mailbox post just about every other week and a child getting hit is not enough? People can say whatever they please about Tracy...their opinions are just like a@@holes...everybody has one. But you can't deny all that she has done to try and keep this mess straight in our town and if it wasn't for her being such an honest person to begin with nonbody else would have paid any attention to the facts at hand here and that we have a 3 time convicted felon running our that we know convicted felons can run and hold that position, I know a couple of people that would like the same chance. Maybe that is a law suit waiting to happen to when they tell somebody else that they can't do it because they are convicted felons yet they are allowing Mike Crews to continue on. And why the hell do I have to pay for my gas when Mike drives the town vehicles up and down the road talking on his cell phone living the life while NOT working? As high as gas is...I want a fill up too! I'd love to live next door to Mrs. Campbell and not have my dogs on a leash, day after day when he stood in her yard and by her front door and she couldn't couldn't get out without the fear of him biting her...I'd be lmfao! Leash? What leash? No leash law here...all I can is do the best you can and hope you don't get bitten. That is what we have to do every day here while the Pit Bulls in the neighboorhood chase us and our kids in our home. When I have to pull out my gun and shoot one of them out here because they have attacked my kids she'll hear more from me then!