Wednesday, June 11, 2008


WTF is going on when a council member can try to bribe a state attorney and get away with it? Why wasn't this idiot handcuffed right there in court?
Are there council members that are backing him, despite this incident?


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely INSANE!!!!!
I can say this to your question; "are there council members that are backing him, despite this incident?
Well, lets see; we have 2 rational minded, logical council members at best who are looking out for the tax payers, then there are 4 Spineless Jelly Fish, well 5 actually?
*Of course there are council members backing him, as well as the Queen Bee herself.

Its a conspiracy, I'm telling you. They have a reason for backing him, at least for now. But wait and see how many back him in Nov. since they may possibly have a
"plant" to replace him with who will vote per instructions from the Mayor.
I could be wrong about this new guy who filed, but we'll have to wait and see.
Another possibility is that the Mayor and the few others who can't think for themselves have assured Mr. Hailey that they will back him up every step of the way on this problem if he will vote their way from now own.
I understand he was very active at last nights meeting; making the motion on about 80% of every topic that came up to be voted on.

But never fear, ALL of the authorities involved have been thoroughly given notice and alerted to the fact that this bribery incident has been well documented and we're all waiting to see how they handle it.
It ain't over yet folks!

Anonymous said...

This is directly from state code concerning bribery;

"§ 3.1-884.25. Prohibitions concerning bribery of or gifts to state employees having duties under article; assaults or interference with such employees.

(1) Any person that shall give, pay, or offer, directly or indirectly, to any officer or employee of this Commonwealth authorized to perform any of the duties prescribed by this article or by the regulations of the Board, any money or other thing of value, with intent to influence said officer or employee in the discharge of any such duty, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 and by imprisonment not less than one year nor more than three years, either or both; and any officer or employee of this Commonwealth authorized to perform any of the duties prescribed by this article who shall accept any money, gift, or other thing of value from any person, given with intent to influence his official action, or who shall receive or accept from any person engaged in intrastate commerce any gift, money, or other thing of value given with any purpose or intent whatsoever, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and shall, upon conviction thereof, be summarily discharged from office and shall be punished by a fine not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 or by imprisonment not less than one year nor more than three years, either or both, in the discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without jury.

(2) Any person that forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes with any person engaged in or on account of the performance of his official duties under this article with the intent to hinder, delay or prevent the performance of such duties shall be fined not more than $5,000 and/or be confined in a state correctional facility not less than one year nor more than three years, or be confined in jail not exceeding one year at the discretion of the jury or court trying the case without jury.

(1970, c. 290.)"

*My personal summary; It says; "shall be deemed guilty of a felony".
I doesn't say: Might be, or could be, but "SHALL".

It also says; "shall be punished by a fine not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 and by imprisonment not less than one year......"

How much clearer can the law be stated???
Now it seems that someone else outside of Brookneal is not doing their job!
Someone needs to be called to task on this. A full explanation is certainly forthcoming as to why this was allowed.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's good to see the mill grinding the grist of our councils strange machinations, and let's not forget the mayor and her sweet pets. Tuesdays meeting seems to have been quite ordinary in the respect that no accusations were made towards Mr. Hailey. How could that happen in our free and open democratic society? Oh, I forgot , the town council isn't free to operate in an open and free mode. They must adhere to the "great punkins" edicts and recite what she wants to here. No free thinking allowed in these hallowed halls . Any idea or thought that is out of line is quickly squashed by a triumphirate of voices that combine to form one evil screeching that usually results in sullen frowns all around. The effort of free thinking is by then mostly beaten back. Thank GOD there are two who hold steady in the gap. Tracy Meisenbach and Kenneth Jennings have weathered a continuous and undeserved attack of unprecedented measure. All due to the fact that they have dared to disagree to certain policies and thoughts brought before council. May they continue to stand against the wind. Now, not to digress but to further elucidate on the daily travails of as " the Stacy Stumbles Saga." I am sure that I am not alone in wondering who Stacy Hailey's bailbondsman is because he surely has one of the best around. For the latest issue of the UNION STAR has a front page story on Hailey that ends with a statement that he made an offer of monetary gifts to an official officer of the court for a favor of dropping the charges against him. Now, the law states, " the attempt to change or alter the testimony or decision of any state official by way of remuneration of any kind shall be considered an offense of felony statute and punishable by a fine of not less than 1,000 dollars nor more than 25,000 dollars and with a minimum of one year in jail not to exceed 5 years for each offense. Now, am I wrong or is this what happened? Why isn't the justice system pursuing this? Have I fallen asleep and awoken in the twilight zone? What's next?

Anonymous said...

big brother is watching said: "Its a conspiracy, I'm telling you. They have a reason for backing him, at least for now."

I really don't think it's and complicated as all that. I think it's more along the lines of "birds of a feather, flock together" or a "thick as thieves" mentality. Nothing that they've put much thought behind, just that they are more comfortable with their own kind.

Look, you have a three time convicted DRUG felon as town manager. Now a convicted wife beater and alleged briber on council. We all know the Mayor has attempted to pull tickets and fixed taxes for her friends. Ask Eddie Austin why he got out of paying taxes when the rest of us didn't. I also wouldn't trust Richard Adams as far as I could throw him. Just something about him that doesn't seem up to snuff, IMHO.

Really, the council (with a few exceptions) are just a higher class bunch of crooks, thugs, and liars. Don't believe it if you don't want to, but I'd be willing to bet money that this won't be the last of criminal behavior and corruption that surfaces regarding this council. Just wait for it....

Unknown said...

Long time no post. ROFLMAO at the shenanigans up there. big brother says "This is absolutely INSANE!!!!!" Yeah, only thing more insane is if the towns residents don't get out and vote those scalawags out of office. If these users get another go round in their current positions I will come back to tell you "I told you so" when they continue screwing you. Be sure and put up their opponents signs in your front yard and on your car and get a button for your shirt. Coke dealers, wife beaters, stalkers, bribing public officers... makes you wonder what they have not been caught at. See ya in November.

Anonymous said...

Billy C (TX) said... "Coke dealers, wife beaters, stalkers, bribing public officers... makes you wonder what they have not been caught at."

Well that's the truth if I've ever heard it! Pathetic, isn't it? Hey, why don't you move to Brookneal and run for council? Nah...nevermind...your record's probably too clean for you to qualify. LOL

Anonymous said...

Talk is that stacy hailey thanked all of council for "being there" for him last Tuesday evening, during all that he has been thru lately. I hear that councilman nowlin was really there for him, in person I mean, during a nighttime watching session. At the location , on the scene. Heh, maybe he could testify that good buddy " stace" is unguilty. I mean was he asleep or what? This is better than Jerry Springer , Oprah and Dr. Phil combined. What do these people do the rest of their time when they're not out in the bushes screwing up ?

Tuffy Horse said...

I'm sure I'm going to get lambasted on this, but here goes:

After reading the details of the newspaper story I am SHOCKED at what was revealed. I would think that if the allegations made by the attorney are true then there should be criminal proceedings brought.

I am not "in the know" on any of this beyond the things that have trickled through the rumor mill. Mr. Hailey and I do not run in the same circles, nor have the same friends. If he is truly guilty of attempting to bribe a state employee then he needs to really reconsider his place on the town council.

Tracy Meisenbach (updated 6-5-2008)

Anonymous said...

tuffy horse said: "If he is truly guilty of attempting to bribe a state employee then he needs to really reconsider his place on the town council."

But I don't think he will do this. See, I believe that he is a narcissist. For anyone that doesn't know what that is, just google it. This, of course, is just my personal opinion. But in my mind, it explains a lot!

Anonymous said...

Okay, up late and nothing else to do.

Has anyone looked at the town of brookneal website lately?

This thing hasn't been updated in years! What's the point of having a website if you are not going to maintain it?

Here are some examples...

Under Town Departments: Bobbie A. Waller, Town Clerk/Treasurer (okay, that one was update about two years ago) says: This office collects and accounts for all funds received and disbursed, manages town investments, assists auditors, bill and collects taxes, utility payments, vehicle decals, and other miscellaneous payments.

The town hasn't collected for town decals in at least two years!!!

And, did you know the town has a FOUR person police department?? ROFLOL!! How long has it been since they've had four police officers?

Mr. Crews is nicely noted as being the director of public works and interim town manager. No need to change that since the council isn't going to do anything about it!!

Many of the links do not work! There is still a link to view the pictures from the 2007 day in the town on the home page that STILL does not work!! Where is 2008? Never mind, it wouldn't work either!

There is a link on the front page to piece written by Bill Gillespie when he was town manager. This thing is several years old!!

Are the utility rates even right for water/sewer fees? I don't think so! The utility link doesn't even work on most pages!

The Boards and Committees link is useless. It doesn't work.

If you click on the meetings and events link it tells you page cannot be displayed.

If you go to the "links" area and click on the link it doesn't work.

Even the Campbell County link is outdated. They changed their address a long time ago.

I could go on, but why bother. Whoever is in charge of this site in inept.

Come on Brookneal! How much are you paying to maintain this site? That's who is listed as being responsible for the maintenance of this site. Or, is this site maintained in house? It's a pathetic website that should just be put out of its misery if no one is going to update it!! Just another example of Brookneal going downhill!!

Brookneal Blogger said...

I think the town website is in poor shape too. I have mentioned it before on this blog.

It does look like we have some ethical problems on the council. If Mr Nowlin was aware of, and participated in, Mr. Hailey's stalking of his ex wife then he needs to resign from the council too.

I don't think anyone can dispute the fact that Mr. Hailey has behaved well beyond the ethical boundries of an elected position and needs to resign. I have heard that a resident is running for the council this fall, and hoepfully this person will replace Mr. Hailey. I also hope some people will volunteer as "write in" candidates and knock the other two off the council.

Anonymous said...

brookneal blogger;

The problem, or possible problem with the new guy running for council is that the "word on the streets" has it that his uncle works, or did work for a former council member, who just happens to be "buddy buddy" with the current mayor.
You see where this is headed don't you???
This is how they get rid of Mr. Hailey without giving him the boot 4 months early.
Be nice to him, tell him everything will be OK, then pick some "plant" who will adhere to their way of doing things.
Its always a conspiracy with crooked people!
If this turns out to be fact rather than rumor, then we'll know it was a set up from the beginning with him filing to run.
If elected and he's a "yes man" then we'll know right off.
They can't stand it unless they've got the deck stacked.
Current administration motto;
"To hell with working for the Tax Payers, as long as I get my way!"
(and Mr. Crews gets what he wants of course)

The town had a meeting last Thur. at 10:00 A.M. with the Mayor, Mr. Crews, Mr. Gillespie, Wiley Wilson rep, USDA rep from Roanoke and USDA rep from Richmond (the Roanoke guys boss), and Mr. Jean had to invite himself to the meeting, and he found out about it by accident.
Problem was, this meeting was not mentioned to every council member.
Two of the council members never knew about the meeting until they were told about it the night before, after 10:00 P.M., and not from the Mayor or Mr. Crews or another council member, or anyone else at the office.
They were tipped of by an outside source.
Guess which 2 didn't get the notice.........yep, the 2 that usually vote on behalf of the tax payers. There was plenty of time to do so, as it was scheduled a couple of weeks before hand.
Intentional, yes, I would have to believe it was.
*No excuse for this.
The entire council should have been made aware of this vitally important meeting, concerning exactly why the extra $500,000 was added to the towns portion of the grant cost.

By all the talk in town it seems that the citizens of Brookneal are completely feed up with a majority of the current administration and 2
of the town employees; 1 working inside the town, the other one outside the town.
Its time for these elected officials to listen to the street talk and step down. They are no longer appreciated, but are blinded to such reason.
Their mission has become clouded and ineffective.
It will likely get worse to the point where I believe some damaging underlying information may be revealed on this administration and various employees, or a least they'll make a mistake which will prove fatal for the town.
The end seems to be in sight for Brookneal if this is allowed to continue.
If so, then everyone will certainly know who to thank for it!!!

Tuffy Horse said...

I'm one of the council members that was not informed about the meeting, which I find very disconcerting. It's obvious that people knew about it at the council meeting, but felt that telling Mr. Jennings and me was unneccessary. The irony is that we will both be expected to vote on issues that we have no information on beyond the heresay from the people that were informed about the meeting.

Anonymous said...

tuffy horse;

Yet another reason for part of this administration to step down before they get the boot from citizens who demand a recall, or a judge who orders them to step down due to mismanagement of town business.
This should certainly alert the tax payers of the cover-ups these incompetent morons are trying to pull off.
I'm certain that if "someone" (hint, hint) looks in the town charter or contacts the VML or better yet, the Atty. Generals office about this lapse in judgment, then heads will roll.
(if someone hasn't already done so, HeHeHe!)
*Anyone needing the Atty. General's or Governor's phone number's, just let me know and I'll post them.
Or if you'd like to let Mr. Powers; USDA, or his boss in Richmond know that the entire council was not made aware of this meeting, I can post that phone # as well.
I'm sure that those officials at the meeting thought that nobody cared enough to show up, when in reality, nobody who cared was told about it.
Its time for the people to step up and take control!

Listen up all you "cerebrally challenged" elected officials; its time to step aside while you can.
Its just a matter of time before you'll get booted anyway.
Why not retain what little dignity and integrity you can and move aside. Oops, I forgot, its too late for that!