I have to agree that it is ridiculous to see a council member up on assualt charges, admitting they hid in the bushes, admitting cutting the phone lines etc. How can anyone think that these things are acceptable to do?
PLEASE step up and run for council. Anyone who votes for a spousal abuser needs their head examined.
The Brookneal Blogger
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Council member in court
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what is wrong with the county for letting him run for any publc office, must less the folks who may vote for him?? Are there no guide lines in place maybe, morals should be consider in these situtions, my question is this "Why would he even want to run when his name has been on T.V and the papers"?? And this is what will be making desisions for the town?????come on!!!
I am thinking that nothing can be done until he is convicted--that innocent until proven guilty thing. However, he is just another embarrassment to Bookneal. According to the rumor mill, he has reapplied to the fire department and is running in order to help his case. If no one runs, he may win by default.
he was judged guilty and fined. He admitted in court to hiding in the bushes and cutting the phone lines.
just how far does this have to go before the residents will get tired of it?
Ummm...he was already found guilty back in January. He was appealing those GUILTY convictions. He is NOT innocent until proven guilty...he is already guilty (so saith a judge) and was trying to get out of it. Rumor has it that a jury of his peers found him guilty yet again.
Mr. Anonymous, you seem to be the local know-it -all ,yet you've always got some half witted questions you present hoping , I suppose , that someone will put a juicy comment in here for you to rebut. My suggestion for you is take your scuzzy anonymous butt down to town hall on a Tuesday evening and stand in public and make your "holier than thou " platitudes to those dumb council members that you're always running down. It's easy to see you're not worried too much about how they spend your tax revenues. Grow a pair , punk.
Here we go again, the latest scoop on what Mr. Hailey was adjucated to is, as follows, assault and battery-$2500, 2 trespassing charges $500 each, and he is considering appealing this decision plus all these allegations include that Mr. Hailey is appealing the decision that the U.S. POST OFFICE made to release him from all duties. Is this the proof of guilt that the town needs to step up and take action? Realize of course, that all this info is yet to be substantiated, thus making it only allegations, but don't you wonder also , why we saw an interview on WSET on Wednesday and not another word on the outcome of the trial? Does Mr. Hailey have enough clout to shut down the media? Or is there some political agenda afoot that would have him protected? And I myself wonder why no one has the wherewithal to enter into a open contest this fall with him and the other council persons who are up for re-election.
its not the first woman he's beaten up, and it won't be the last. if hes elected for another three years that give him plenty of time to find another one to punch on.
local yokel
Which anonymous are you talking to? Care to make yourself a bit more clear?
You also said "Realize of course, that all this info is yet to be substantiated, thus making it only allegations..."
How can you say that this info is yet to be substantiated? He has been found guilty twice. He had his chance to prove his case TWICE. I think that a judge and now a jury has substatiated the so called allegations (which are now convictions).
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. If so, please correct me.
Oh, and I didn't know that Mr. Hailey had been fired from his job at the post office. Guess the federal government won't let a convicted criminal work for them...but the local government will. Nice, real nice!!
local yokel said : "Does Mr. Hailey have enough clout to shut down the media?"
ROFLOL! Mr. Hailey can't even spell "clout" much less figure out how to use it. Maybe he hid in the bushes at WSET and cut their phone lines so they couldn't run the story. LMAO!
If any strings were pulled, they were done so on his behalf with someone that has more brains the Hailey.
I said : "If any strings were pulled, they were done so on his behalf with someone that has more brains the Hailey."
I should have said : "If any strings were pulled, they were done so on his behalf with someone that has more brains than Hailey."
Holy cr@p!! Just read the Union Star. While I am disgusted by Mr. Hailey already, this part of the Union Star just really made me sick!!
The Union Star online
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
"Bethany Harrison, an assistant commonwealth's attorney with City of Lynchburg, testified that when she called Hailey on Sept. 20, 2007, to let him know that the court was continuing with the case, Hailey asked her if she wanted to get money out of this by doing him a favor and drop the charges. She claimed that Hailey said he was an elected town official and she worked for the state."
This is the kind of council you have Brookneal! And if you think that he's the only one on council with that elitist, good ole boys attitude, you are sadly mistaken.
Why wasn't Mr. Hailey charged with attempted bribery of a public official? He is one low down, sorry piece of cr@p!!!
To read the whole story about Mr. Hailey log onto:
or just go to a local establishment and purchase a paper.
Here's the full link. The previous post cut part of the link off.
If it does it again just log onto www.theunionstar.com
Then click on the link on the front page.
He tried to bribe a state official and he's still walking around loose?
WTF is wrong with the legal system in Campbell County?
Pretty soon is there going to be a requirment of a criminal record in order to live here?
I can't understand what you have to do in "Brokeneal" to be considered undesirable, unqualified, or just down right nasty!
A council member once told me that the judge gives an oath to incoming council members stating in part; "must be of good moral standing in the community".
I guess that's no longer a prerequisite for elected officials.
Brookneal blogger,
your statement;
"Pretty soon is there going to be a requirement of a criminal record in order to live here?"
I think what's happening is that Brookneal has been officially designated as a "Rehab Center" for criminals!
Inscribe this on the water tank down on main street;
"Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, your drug felons and wife beaters.......we'll take um all, no questions ask."
If the town doesn't do something soon to fix this mess and stay out of the spotlight, they're gonna go down faster than Monica Lewinski in the Oval Office!
Sort of like what Tim Kaine did with the guy on death row yesterday;
Commuted his sentence to life because of his; "reduced mental capacity".
According to the Governor I guess its now OK to kill someone as long as you're crazy.
Wait a second, that's who does all the killing; CRAZY PEOPLE!
On another recent note; has anyone ask why the town has to pay an additional $500,000 toward their part of the grant?
Last weeks "Onion Star" skirted the issue for the most part.
Could it be because someone dragged their feet and didn't complete the requirements in time, thus the cost over-run.
Who could that be? How many people have worked on this grant from day 1 until now?
Somebody needs to "fess up" and tell the tax payer's the truth.
This money could have been used to pay a "part time", highly qualified Town Manager for 20 years, at the rate of $25,000 per year!!!
Think about it............
I've never seen anything like it, period.
Somebody contact Bill O'Reilly, please!
Well, it's good to see the mill grinding the grist of our councils strange machinations, and let's not forget the mayor and her sweet pets. Tuesdays meeting seems to have been quite ordinary in the respect that no accusations were made towards Mr. Hailey. How could that happen in our free and open democratic society? Oh, I forgot , the town council isn't free to operate in an open and free mode. They must adhere to the "great punkins" edicts and recite what she wants to here. No free thinking allowed in these hallowed halls . Any idea or thought that is out of line is quickly squashed by a triumphirate of voices that combine to form one evil screeching that usually results in sullen frowns all around. The effort of free thinking is by then mostly beaten back. Thank GOD there are two who hold steady in the gap. Tracy Meisenbach and Kenneth Jennings have weathered a continuous and undeserved attack of unprecedented measure. All due to the fact that they have dared to disagree to certain policies and thoughts brought before council. May they continue to stand against the wind. Now, not to digress but to further elucidate on the daily travails of as " the Stacy Stumbles Saga." I am sure that I am not alone in wondering who Stacy Hailey's bailbondsman is because he surely has one of the best around. For the latest issue of the UNION STAR has a front page story on Hailey that ends with a statement that he made an offer of monetary gifts to an official officer of the court for a favor of dropping the charges against him. Now, the law states, " the attempt to change or alter the testimony or decision of any state official by way of remuneration of any kind shall be considered an offense of felony statute and punishable by a fine of not less than 1,000 dollars nor more than 25,000 dollars and with a minimum of one year in jail not to exceed 5 years for each offense. Now, am I wrong or is this what happened? Why isn't the justice system pursuing this? Have I fallen asleep and awoken in the twilight zone? What's next?
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