Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I heard it through the grapevine.......

Looks like some forward progress was made at last night's town council meeting. There was a motion brought by Mr. Jennings and seconded by Mr. Jean to start the search for a new town manager.

The vote was as follows:

Mr. Jennings: Yes
Mrs. Meisenbach: Yes
Mr. Nowlin: No
Mr. Adams: abstained because he felt the matter needed more discussion ( another two years maybe?)
Mr. Jean: Yes
Mr. Hailey: abstain. ( I really doubt he even knows what the word means)

The Mayor called it as a failed vote. Mrs. Meisenbach said it was not a failed vote because it had 3 ayes, 1 nay and two abstains.

This is where it enters sketchy territory; Mr.Nowlin said he wanted to change his vote, although he didn't. Then Mr. Adams does change his vote to a no and Mr. Hailey also changes his vote to a no. The three Yes votes were not asked if they wanted to revote, nor was a new motion introduced for them to vote on.
This second round of vote changing created a tie vote, 3 nays to 3 ayes so the Mayor votes to break the tie and votes No. No, we don't need a new town manager? Has she not been listening to the community? She's now on record as voting to keep a convicted felon on as town manager.
Mr. Jean introduces a motion to form a committee to study getting the new town manager and this motion passes, legally.

Some how the Mayor realized that they had made a major screw up and asked Mrs. Meisenbach if there was a question about the vote. Mrs. Meisenbach explained the parliamentary procedure, and Mr. Crews and Mrs. Waller had to agree that she was correct. The first vote on starting the search for a town manager had to stand because once Mr. Hailey, as the last council member queried, voted, the motion was carried 3 to 1 with 2 abstaining. Votes cannot be changed once the final vote has been cast. Instead a new motion would have had to be introduced in order for a new vote. No new motion was introduced.

This is the kind of shoddy voting measures that happen within our town government. Had Mrs. Meisenbach not spoken up, with the backing of Mr. Jennings and Mr. Jean, than an illegal vote change would have been recorded.


Anonymous said...

Does this surprise anyone?

If I were an elected official in Brookneal(and believe me, I have deep sympathy for those on council who are having to deal with such incompetence from their colleagues)I would be ashamed to continue one day longer without resigning as an elected official if I didn't know procedure any better than this!!!

My word! You have the mayor and vice mayor who have been a part of this administration for double digit years, you have an educated (from where I don't know) business man, with a business degree, and then you have one lone "dingbat" (as Archie Bunker would say) who hasn't a clue as to what the word "abstain" means (or any other part of being a councilman), and all are making decisions for, and managing money for the taxpayers of the town.
How bad does this need to get people?

Pitiful, disgraceful, and a laughing-stock in the small town political arena statewide!

Heck, right about now I'm thinking that maybe Mr. Crews should be Mayor and take the guys off the Garbage truck to replace a couple of council members.
They couldn't do any worse.

Mr. Crews is no dummy for sure. (he even knew the vote was illegal) He knows the Public Works job reasonably well, and he is raking in the big bucks, so you can't fault him for that.
He simply got thrust into a position which he wasn't fully qualified for, thus leaving him vulnerable to a host of problems he may not be interested in having laid on him.
Does he realize what his "friends" in this administration have done by placing him in this very important position?
They've done him a disservice in my opinion.
Seems like someone wants him to be the "fall guy" when the proverbial S__T! hits the fan.

To the obviously "well informed on procedure" council members;
Take heed in what the Bible says when going about your duties as a council member; "it is hard to kick against the pricks".
In such cases as this, "pricks" does not refer to "thorns".

*If this kind of incompetence should continue, I suggest a call to: Maria Evers; Legislative Services, Attn. Generals Office in Richmond; 804-786-3591
Lets expose this blatant irresponsibility and let the chips fall where they may!

Anonymous said...

i doubt the union star will report the entire meeting, even though they were sitting there when the vote changing took place

Anonymous said...

News Flash;
If the Union Star does NOT report the entire happenings concerning the "Vote of the Century" on Tue., then the powers that be at Womack Publishing Co. will loose at least 1 subscription and Chairman of the Board: Charles "Zan" Womack as well as Charles Jr. will get a formal letter of complaint as well as a personal phone call!

People are totally feed up with "half reporting".

Anonymous said...

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to Mike Crews and his position as town manager.

The old farmer said, 'Well, ya know, Mike is a 'post turtle'.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old farmer said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.'

The old farmer saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain.
'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there!'

Kind of sums up our situation with the town manager, now doesn't it! LOL

ShameintheHorseShowRing said...

I've never heard of a post turtle, but it does fit.

So we know who the post turtle is. Now who are the dumbasses that not only put him there, but keep him there?

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Crews has more things to worry about than whether or not he remains town manager. There is a new law in effect in Virginia that should worry the bejeebies out of him.

Code of Virginia:

§ 18.2-112.1. Misuse of public assets; penalty.

A. For purposes of this section, "public assets" means personal property belonging to or paid for by the Commonwealth, or any city, town, county, or any other political subdivision, or the labor of any person other than the accused that is paid for by the Commonwealth, or any city, town, county, or any other political subdivision.

B. Any full-time officer, agent, or employee of the Commonwealth, or of any city, town, county, or any other political subdivision who, without lawful authorization, uses or permits the use of public assets for private or personal purposes unrelated to the duties and office of the accused or any other legitimate government interest when the value of such use exceeds $1,000 in any 12-month period, is guilty of a Class 4 felony.

Keep on using the town vehicle, town computers, town paper, town lawnmower, and any other town equipment you want Mr. Crews. People are watching, maybe the attorney general would be interested in what you are doing. With the price of gas these days, $1,000 won't take long to accumulate!

Anonymous said...

Here's a little math for you Mr. Crews:

$1,000 / 3.69 (avg. price of gas per gal.) = 271 gallons of gas

271 x 17 (approx. gas mileage for town vehicle) = 4,607 miles.

So Mr. Crews, I'd be willing to bet that between your trips to walmart, trips to William Campbell, trips to "naruna" and trips elsewhere you have far exceeded the $1,000 minimum for a 12 month period.

Like I said, people are watching.

Anonymous said...

One more thought for Mr. Crews (and the Mayor since she so vehemently supports Mr. Crews).

§ 18.2-10. Punishment for conviction of felony; penalty.


(d) For Class 4 felonies, a term of imprisonment of not less than two years nor more than 10 years and, subject to subdivision (g), a fine of not more than $100,000.

Tuffy Horse said...

It's pretty much how it happened. I was surprised by the vote changes, since that is simply not allowed.

I didn't figure it would make the papers, and it didn't.

Tracy M

Anonymous said...

Pit-i-ful that the newspaper didn't even report how the vote happened!

Shame on you (Union Star) for not reporting the mixup in the voting process!

Wonder why it wasn't reported about the first vote taken? Anyone know?