Monday, October 6, 2008

Next election

I got an email this evening that there might be more than the expected number of candidates running in the election. Rumor has it that we have at least one write in for a council seat and possibly one for the mayor's seat.

If this is true, what would you like to see new council members work on?


Anonymous said...

Maybe this is why so many people have been talking in every crack and corner of the town lately as to how they are very unhappy with the mayor's performance; no accountability, still have Mr. Gillespie on payroll, don't know how to run a meeting by the correct procedure's and a number of other issues.

But remember last election when the mayor tried to sneak in her write in candidate with a mass phone calling a night or two before the election. Could be its payback time!
Whoever is running, its about time!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious if maybe you commented on your own "Post"???

Brookneal Blogger said...


When I comment I post as the Brookneal Blogger, I don't post as anonymous. And I usually wait to reply until I see the comments from other readers.

Brookneal Blogger

Anonymous said...

I can assure you the Anonymous #1 post was not from Brookneal Blogger. It was from me. I just highlighted the wrong identity.

And I heard the same thing again today, and I still say; "its about time"!

Anybody not doing the job right, get the hell out and let someone with no personal agenda handle the town!
With exception of 2 or 3, I think the whole damn bunch needs to take a hike!

Its like the blind leading the blind down there!
Pitiful, and a major disservice to the town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Step up,stand with or step aside.

Tuffy Horse said...

Step up,stand with or step aside.

Says the anonymous person.

Tracy M

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Step up,stand with or step aside.

What does that even mean? Seriously, make some sense when you post.

Tuffy Horse said...

>What does that even mean? Seriously, make some sense when you post.

It's called "sarcasm".
Sarcasm is defined as: A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning

You tell people to "step up", but post anonymously, evidently afraid to step up an post under your real name.

You tell people to "stand with", but post anonymously, evidently afraid to say who you stand with.

You tell people to "step aside", yet post anonymously, evidently afraid that someone may have balls enough to stand up to your comments and refuse to step aside.

It's very easy to understand what I meant, when you come out into the open to read it and quit hiding.

I sign my name to every post I make because I've got enough back bone to stand behind what I say.
When will you do the same?

Tracy M

Anonymous said...

Hello Tracey, this is Edward P.
I didn't mean to get anyone wound up. Sorry for not signing what I had posted. I was just trying to express in very few words how easy it is to bitch about how things are going in town.
"Step up", I would define as you, and you have by complete support as with others. If anyone really believes that the council,in general is not looking out for the best interest for us, then tell them directly. Run for council, come to the meetings... "Stand with", is to make a choice, or pick a "side". "Step aside" needs no explanation.
I will say that I will never post another comment here again.
I do hope the invitation to visit still stands. You are always welcome to stop by my house and I am very glad and hope you continue your efforts in looking out for the future and the well being of Brookneal.


Anonymous said...

First off, if there are people willing to run for office in the town then I say great! But, historically, write ins have a difficult time securing office. It's much easier for people to just vote for someone who is on the ballot rather than write in a name. I would suggest to anyone seeking office that they get out and campaign heavily. Stacey Hailey did not get into office because he had good ideas or he was the slightest bit capable. Stacey got in because he knocked on each door in town and asked for their vote. A write will have to do that, and more.

I don't live within the town limits, but I still consider Brookneal home. I would like to see new and old council members put aside any personal agendas and actually do what is good for the town as a whole. The entire country is hurting right now. Whoever is elected will need to think outside of the box. They will need to make tough decisions about where to spend money. They will need to go out and look for revenue and jobs because it isn’t going to fall into our lap. They will need to have integrity and backbone and be able to stand against the status quo when needed, or put aside differences when necessary.

What do they need to work on first? Jobs! That’s it, jobs! If jobs come, so will the people. If people come, so will the store fronts and growth. Brookneal has a lot of potential, but it won't grow without everyone working together.

Anonymous said...

edward p said: "I will say that I will never post another comment here again."

I do hope you will reconsider. I'm sure that your post was simply taken out of context by others. It's so difficult to tell what people really mean when all you have to go by are letters on a white screen.

I, for one, have appreciated your contribution to this blog.

Laurie F.

Anonymous said...

Hey Laurie, In my haste I did not complete the sentence. I will not post again without signing my name.
The original comment was cryptic and vague, as I am not the one for long paragraphs but feel it necessary to at least put my position out there.
It would be nice to see some positive comments or post of what is truly special about our town.
I do support 5 of the 6, Mayor included along with Mike. I also supported you by testifying on your behalf at your hearingand feel we lost a great asset to the town. Good job training Bobbie, she doing a great job. I am thankful for Tracy being on the council as it is very important for a contrast. It's easy to put the blame on the decline of Brookneal on the Mayor or Council but I do not feel that is the case. Times are what they are, regardless of what was done or not done.
I do remember the "old" Chamber of Commerce and there efforts, should we be blaming them also? Of course not and believe me they now have the best interest of there businesses and the town at heart along with our Town Council. I'm certain they also would appreciate everyones support and comments. I do look forward to the direction we are heading and that not being based on "lip service". As we begin with the clean up of town, the revitilation of Main Street which mean a new look for new businesses that are certain to come. We have a wonderful oppurtunity with these grants. Flouride in the water coming soon, the replacement and update of the water and sewers lines. We have a very capable Police Dept and thankful we have 3, as just a few years ago the discussion was to downsize. They are open and responsive to the residents. Crime happens and thats a shame, we are not immune. Chief Cousins, Sgt. Carr and Officer Earheart are more than willing to help with anyones concerns. You just have to talk to them.

These changes will take time, patience and support.

Step up and vote, step up and shop here in town, step up and clean up your properties, step up and help your neighbors clean there, step up and attend some Chamber or Council meetings, step up and call the Police if you have a concern,step up by posting and you don't have to use your name, step up by stepping up.
I am also missing my pet cow so if anyone spots her, send her home.The cows name is Mary and she is dragging her leash with her...

Edward Pearson

Tuffy Horse said...


I certainly apologize for misconstruing your comments. We've had so many anonymous commentors that gripe about people not stepping up when they aren't doing anything either, and choose to point fingers behind a false name.

Tracy M.

Tuffy Horse said...

I'm not so sure I want to worry about what new council members would do, I'd simply like to see the current council FINISH some of the things that have been voted on and promised at the meetings.

We have not run an ad for a new town manager.
We have not put a maintenance ordinance in place.
We have not cleared up personnel issues, even those discussed clear back in July.
We have not re-evaluated our personnel salary requirements.
We have not solved the situation of not having a human resources director ( The one we had the agreement with at campbell county has now been indicted)
We have not followed through with the letters demanding clean up on various properties around town, as evidenced by the fact they still look like slums.

If we'd just finish the things that get discussed and voted on we'd be that much more ahead.

Tracy M.

Proud Navy Mom said...

When are we going to get the election results? I can't seem to find anything here??? me out here! What the hell happened yesterday?