Looks like Brookneal was on Fox News Hometown report.
Looks like they missed mentioning several issues that have concerned the town for the past several months.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Brookneal on Fox News
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Someone needs to tell the mayor that lime green looks awful on her.
Degan looked nice.
Where were the other council members? Why didn't you offer an interview?
Get off of your HIGH HORSE! geez....you act like you're in high school again!
I can't speak for the other council members, but I was never informed that Fox News was going to be here. I found out by going into the town office and just happened to see the news van outside. Guess the rest of us just weren't worthy of being notified.
Odd because I own two businesses in town, so you'd think someone would take the time to inform me. But then again, maybe the Mayor doesn't feel that all the business owners need to be treated equally.
This wall of silence in regards to letting the entire council know when media events are taking place is not new. It has been the case since the Mayor first took office. If you aren't part of her select group then you don't get any information. This attitude can certainly come back and bite someone. If they want to be the ones hoarding the information, then they can be the only ones to blame when things go wrong.
Tracy M
I'm with Tracey, I also have 2 businesses in town and heard nothing about this until I saw the trucks. I would think that they would want to show the positives of this town rather than just the bad. What can we do to bring some positive attitudes to this town?
In all fairness, the Town of Brookneal had no input in the presentation by Fox Business Network. I have followed Dagen's career for many years. The Fox Business Network has been highlighting the home towns of their hosts since last summer. The producer and Dagen decided who was going to be interviewed and the format of the series. The purpose was to spotlight the businesses in a rural area and their impact on the economy. I knew they would eventually come to Brookneal because I watch the network. All the videos can be viewed at www.foxbusiness.com Click on Video on the bar at the top. A menu will then become visible in the left column. Click on My Home Town..Then Brookneal, Virginia You can then view all the spots. I was quite surprised that Brookneal was highlighted on national televsion, but felt the series was well done.
Carolyn Booker
"If this be treason, let's make the best of it"
I am amazed how trashy the Town looks on TV, I never quite saw it like that.
The segment on Fox was very good even though none of the new places were not included. I think the were trying to focus on how the old ones evolved or failed.
The segments starts with the backround of the building next to the library with busted windows and the leaning awning.
It was nice to see Mr. Guthrie represent the Town. This is the first time I have ever seen the boy working for him smile.
Foster Fuels is great for our history. I just wish they would have added how he moved outside the Town limits. I do hope we annex at some point.
I only wish the Town was not represented by the majority or the stores that are here, we are so much more than that.
The places in Town have failed because they refuse to adapt, they refuse to welcome the ones who are not from here. They have let there stores rot.
I am all for community, I just wish people would realize that just because you have been here so long you didn't start with a rundown, unpainted, dirty, floor tile missing building.
Brookneal has been in decline for over 30 years and nothing has changed.
I do hope with the Facade Grant,things start to turn around because the majority of the stores in Town are a poor representation on the ones who call this "Home"
Do not fear the change!
Nice to see you here!
It's not an issue of dictating what a media source covers. No one can force a media outlet to cover anything they don't want too.
It's a case of letting the community know that these things are going on, and alerting them to the presence of the media.
It's rather awkward to get blindsided by questions from the community, when you don't even know that an event is taking place, but it's apparent other council members do know.
Imagine the consternation if I had the media that covers the horse industry show up, survey the area, and then brought them over to the town office to discuss how this rural area is impacted by the horse industry, without giving anyone else a heads up as to what they would be asking or implying? It would be a disaster, and it would be unfair to everyone else.
And having written personal interviews with horse industry leaders, as well as covering major equine events, I can also tell you that interviewers can and do go off on tangents sometimes, with sometimes unfortunate results. If people are forwarned that the media will be in town, then they can act accordingly, as well as answer questions from the community.
There is no harm in sharing information, but not sharing it can have diasterous results, in some cases.
anyone know how the town council meeting went last night and what was discussed?
I have gotten tired of walking into the Town Hall and hearing Phyllis exclaim, "Ya'lls plan didn't work." We need to get rid of Phyllis now.
Anonymous said...
"I have gotten tired of walking into the Town Hall and hearing Phyllis exclaim, "Ya'lls plan didn't work." We need to get rid of Phyllis now."
I have to assume this has happened since the election. So who is "ya'll" and what exactly was the plan? Also, I would think that this comment wouldn't be made to just a passing citizen, so, was she speaking to you (as in you are part of those conspiring) or talking to someone else in the office?
I don't think there is anything anyone can do for the next two years. Barring some illegal act or the mayor choosing to step down, I'm afraid that this is what the town has to work with for the next two years. It should be interesting to see how the dynamics of the council change after Mr. Sheppard takes office in January though. Maybe the scales are swaying the other way.
Anonymous (#2) said...
"I have gotten tired of walking into the Town Hall and hearing Phyllis exclaim, "Ya'lls plan didn't work." We need to get rid of Phyllis now."
"I have to assume this has happened since the election. So who is "ya'll" and what exactly was the plan?"
The plan she was likely referring to was the choice for 2 write in candidates to legally, out in the open, exercise their right to run for council.
But, neither did the Mayor's plan work 2 years ago when she and Mr. Nowlin secretly called all their friends in town and ask them to write in Mr. Rouff. (which was his right, had he himself chosen to do so of his own free will.)
Here is the difference in the 2 plans; The Mayor's plan to unseat Mrs. Meisenbach or Mr. Jennings (she couldn't have cared less which one got beat out) was done secretly, where as this years write in candidates for council ran out in the open.
This is a prime example of who is crooked, sneaky and unethical and who is not!
I suspect that in 2 years the Mayor will be beaten out in the election, and quite handily. (unless she chooses not to run, and save what dignity she has left after 2 more years of the mess we've been dealing with in the last couple of years or so.)
But, I have a feeling that she already has a plan up her sleeve to try and oust anyone she can in order to stack the deck in her favor, as opposed to having it stacked in favor of the taxpaying citizens!
There used to be a time when ALL members of the council as well as the mayor had one thing in mind, how can be better serve the ENTIRE town. Now its just "how can we get what we want personally".
People had best wake up before the next election and smell the BS that's being peddled to them.
Taxpayer's are being taken to the cleaners!
Attend meetings, ask to see records and documents at the town office by filling out a Freedom Of Information Act form. Ask the REAL council members questions. You'll see just who is working for you and your money and who isn't!
Correction of spelling in my last post; "how can be better serve the ENTIRE town"
Should read; "how can WE better serve the town"
This idiocy we're dealing with is starting to rub off on me now.
Somebody help me before I become one of them!
Maybe now Mr. Sheppard will clean up his carport? Probably not, but still glad to have him on the council.
Anonymous said...
"I have gotten tired of walking into the Town Hall and hearing Phyllis exclaim, "Ya'lls plan didn't work." We need to get rid of Phyllis now."
If she is saying that then she is the biggest hypocrite in town. She and Champ were behind Lorenzo Rouff running last time, and I heard that direct from the horse's mouth. What she needs to be thinking about is the high number of votes the write-ins got in comparision to her and the candidates on the ballot. Had any of the write-ins been on the ballot they would have won. A typical write in usually gets 1% of the vote, Mr. Jennings got 1/7the of the vote, and he was only advertised for one day before the election and didn't even stay at the polls to campaign.
I also heard her deny that she is the one that shut down the candidate's forum, but I know this isn't true.
>Maybe now Mr. Sheppard will clean up his carport? Probably not, but still glad to have him on the council.
I'm not worried about his carport. I'm more concerned about his views on how this town should be run. I also don't think he's going to go off threatening other council members and cursing and shouting in a town council meeting, like I heard a certain council member did at the meeting last night. The Golden Skillet Grape Vine is a lot more informative than the local paper. It's incredible what you can find out at 7:00 in the morning.
Redneck Girl said... "I also don't think he's going to go off threatening other council members and cursing and shouting in a town council meeting, like I heard a certain council member did at the meeting last night."
Oh go ahead and say it. Mr. Hailey went "postal" at the council meeting. Fitting for a former postal employee, don't you think? It's all over town.
Anonymous said...
"Oh go ahead and say it. Mr. Hailey went "postal" at the council meeting. Fitting for a former postal employee, don't you think? It's all over town."
If this is true, then it is a very disturbing, and somewhat alarming
thing to hear.
I don't know the details, but it was alarming enough that several council members are talking "out of school." Mr. Hailey allegedly used the "F" word and was yelling. It was disturbing enough that, according to council members, the police chief felt it necessary to get involved.
In such a case it would seem that the possibility of future protection for council members, mayor, employees and anyone attending meetings would be warranted.
Otherwise, should any unfortunate incident take place, then the town would likely be held liable, because it appears that the alarm bell has already been sounded and early preventative measure should be considered.
Come on you guys, Stacey Hailey is a loose nut! Either rein him in, or boot him out. Oh, wait, the voters already booted him out! ROFLOL!!
Is he going to ask for a recount? Heaven forbid that a "few" voters got it right.
I do think that some of the council members should be extra vigilant about him though. In all seriousness, I believe that his ex-wife (not the one who filed charges) had some serious issues with him too. Why not stop by Wilson's and ask her. Maybe she would be happy to elaborate.
Dorothy Gale,
>I do think that some of the council members should be extra vigilant about him though
I think you're right. He seems to have a problem with accepting accountability.
>Redneck Girl said...
Someone needs to tell the mayor that lime green looks awful on her.
November 9, 2008 6:36 PM<
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