The unofficial election results I have are:
Phyllis Campbell: Mayor
Champ Nowlin
Richard Adams
Phillip Shepperd
Looks like Mr. Hailey got booted off, which is a good thing!
I also heard there was a large amount of write-in votes, but because of confusions, misspelling and combining names that a large number had to be kicked out as not counting.
Mr. Jennings also did well as a write-in for mayor, and had he been on the ballot I believe he would have unseated the incumbent. Two years from now he better be ready to run!
Congratulations to Mr. Shepperd for getting on the council and stepping up to run.
And a big thank you to our write in candidates for their efforts and concern for the community.
Things are not set in stone for the incumbents. Enough bad behavior and the community can certainly get rid of them.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Results: Unofficial
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Any results yet for Brookneal?????
Now that is a shame! We don't need a snooty, sneaky, dishonest woman such as Mrs. Campbell running our town and continuing to screw everything up as she has in the past. Some people just don't know how to handle authority and she is one of them. I'm guessing she is on a huge power trip this morning with that news! I think I'll go puke now!
i agree in order for the people to get change in the town the seats have to change and this time it didn't except for one council seat. All this great anticipation for nothing.
The Union Star has the link on their website to Virginia State Board of Elections, according to that Hailey won, not Shepperd. Who really won?
Channel 10 website:
Brookneal - Town Council 3 seats -- 1 of 2 precincts reporting (50%)
JR. [I] 20 34%
HAILEY [I] 10 17%
NOWLIN [I] 23 39%
SHEPPARD [I] 6 10%
Votes reported on seem to be just the absentee ballots. There should be just about 575 total votes in the final results.
Spoke with Karen at our Registar Office this morning.
Results for the election will be available late this afternoon.
News and Advance reports 331 "Write-ins".
I do hope that any ballots removed have been reviewed according to the law and not just tossed.
I may be naive, as I'm just getting into Town politics, but how is Mrs. Campbell sneaky and dishonest? This town faces many challenges. Gossip and rumors travel here faster than any place I've ever seen.
We all need to work together to bring a little bit of prosperity to this town. We need to entice new business into the area. We need to make the area attractive to business. We'll never see a large employer like Dan River here again. Small businesses are the future.
Mr. Bison,
>I may be naive, as I'm just getting into Town politics, but how is Mrs. Campbell sneaky and dishonest? This town faces many challenges. Gossip and rumors travel here faster than any place I've ever seen.
Was it upfront and above board to shut down the proposed candidate's forum? Why not give the write in candidates the chance to tell the community what they could do?
Was is ethical to try to get speeding tickets pulled for her friends?
Was it moral to try to get tax abatements for her friends?
Does it show good judgement on her part to continue to promote and endorse Mr. Crews as a supervisor of our police force?
How about her treatment of Mrs. Francis? Mayor Campbell is the reason we had an employee sue the town, and the reason the town settled.
I don't even need to bring up the nasty things she spreads about other council members and residents, nor her disregard of resident concerns, even to the point of lying to them during a town council meeting. I've watched her for six years and I become more and more disgusted with how she runs this town. I become more and more disgusted with myself for voting for her in the first place.
I'm one of the 'faceless' people in this town that she is ignored and treated as if I'm beneath her notice. I quit going to Brookneal Family medical years ago because I got tired of her attitude in the front office, and after she left I never went back.
I have personally heard her bad mouth people she serves with, and businesses in this town. She must not realize how that screechy voice carries, and how us "nobodies" can hear her gossiping from several feet away.
She also needs to remember that when she's in the town office bad mouthing people, that other people coming in to pay their water bills can hear her clear down the hall.
Brookneal lost alot of industry but yet town and surrounding residents proudly displayed republican signs during the election.Some people never learn.
The mayor does not need to be running this town. She should be nothing more that a head figure. Running this town should be the responsibility of the Town Manager. Mike has no clue what he is doing and is only a puppet to the Mayor and the Council. We need a qualified TM NOW!! One that is going to bring in business and support the businesses that are already here. We need to know what is happening with the Downtown Project. It just seems like all these grants and projects the town is involved with get forgotten about by our so called management.
I'll agree..positions of authority shouldnt be used to preferentially help friends.
All elections should be open and all involved should have their chance to air their views. That is the only way for everyone to be represented.
Like I said before, I haven't gotten involved in the town politics. There always seem to be too many games and egos involved.
As the past president of the Chamber of Commerce, the apathy in the town was very disheartening. We have a great community. We need to work together to bring some life back to it!!
Melrose Bison said... "the apathy in the town was very disheartening."
I agree!! And that is why things never change. Sigh!
melrose bison said... "We have a great community. We need to work together to bring some life back to it!!"
I also agree with this. So how do you motivate a town full of apathetic people to work together to begin with? At best you have a handful of people on each side (if you can call it sides) and everyone else just doesn't seem to care or just accepts things the way they are with no motivation to change.
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