A recent visitor here made the statement that our council members should lower their legal and moral standards in order to be "friends" with other council members.
They also stated that council members that post here could be perceived as "talking out of school" even though all information that has been posted here has been public knowledge.
So tell me your views. Should our council members ignore illegal and unethical behavior by other council members in the spirit of being friendly?
Do you think council members posting here is a good thing or would you rather get information as the media and town office decide to ladle it out?*
* I want to note that the Union Star has shown a marked improvement and I'm very pleased with their coverage of town issues.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Taking the high road
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Absolutely not, you can be friendly and still be professional....council members are elected to do a job. That job has certain requirements, and we should expect and demand that they follow those rules and requirements.
Council members should feel free to post, if they are doing their job and acting responsibly, they will have nothing to hide.
What I would like to see is a section on the town's web site; "Ask Brookneal" where anyone can pose questions of the Mayor, Council Members or even town employee's.
But, the questions and answer's must be posted for the public to view.
It should be just as this blog, not capable of being edited or rejected (certain restrictions of course would apply; abusive language, threats, etc.)
That is a great idea!
I think the town website is under utilized. I think all the council members that have an email address should have it listed on the website.
Melrose I agree with you. Council members should follow the rules. Being friendly and professional is fine, but being friendly to avoid telling someone on the council that they are breaking the law is not acceptable.
I found it truly ironic that Anonymous (the one from the other post) said not holding to the higher moral and legal ground would be friendlier. Because when you consider some of the nasty actions taken by the people that aren't holding the moral ground, and how they've used their office to harrass and abuse other council members and employees it becomes evident that being friendly isn't the requirement. Being an asskisser is, which goes way beyond friendly.
Brookneal Blogger said:
3 Jan 08:054:13 PM
MSIE 7.0
Windows Vista
United States va-71-53-201-97.dhcp.embarqhsd.net (
There's a lot more information where that comes from.<
I think your next topic should be...
Is it ok for the Brookneal Blogger to post someones ISP information because they don't agree with him?
Tuffey Horse,
I do think you "talk out of school" in making accusation of illegal activities of your fellow council members on some local Blog. If you feel some actions are illegal then do something about it other than bitchin' about it here. You have done as much as Stacey for the Town. NOTHING
Tuffey Horse said:
>There is far more that goes on behind the scenes with illegal meetings, threats against employees, poor management that costs the tax payers money and such. Perhaps we should just pull the proverbial carpet back over these things, as you are suggesting, and cover up the problems until they reach the point that the government steps in? Would that suit you? And you above statement shows that you lack even a rudimentary knowledge of parlimentary procedure. Such procedures, set forth in Rbert's Rules of Order involve VOTING. No one here votes to do anything. We discuss. Not only that, we discuss freely the things that concern this community, such as how the money gathered from taxes is spent.<
Thought I better post your accusations before your delete.
Would you like me to post your deleted post?
There are 4 of them, just in case you didn't get the point.
Relax and take a breath this time before you post.
I only wish Laurie was back.
>I do think you "talk out of school" in making accusation of illegal activities of your fellow council members on some local Blog. If you feel some actions are illegal then do something about it other than bitchin' about it here. You have done as much as Stacey for the Town. NOTHING
You truly are stupid. I have done things about the illegal activities. I have protected employees that had their jobs threatened. I have prevented illegal actions that were in the works, including the illegal termination of an employee in violation of her contract. There are numerous other things as well. If I had stood back and let these things happen we'd have more lawsuits against us.
As for your opinion of Mr. Hailey that you need to take it up with him.
>Thought I better post your accusations before your delete.
Would you like me to post your deleted post?
There are 4 of them, just in case you didn't get the point.
You are not only a complete idiot, you are a liar, which is not a surprise consiering who you're here pimping for.
I have only deleted one post from this blog, because of a gross typo, and immediately reposted with the correction. Your statement is as big a lie on your part as the accusation that the blog owner edited your posts to make you look dumber.
Go ahead and repost these supposed deleted posts. Anyone with a clue can go back through the postings I have made and compare time stamps, and the fact that it always shows where a post has been deleted. Or maybe you didn't realize that, because you're so ignorant. The posting list with show a statement that says either:Post deleted by author, or post deleted by blog owner. So any deleted posts can be tracked. Anyone can go back through the past several blog posts and see that none have been deleted. So not only are you a puppet, your a lying puppet.
As to what I've done for the town, hmm, let's see: I made sure the town insurance was corrected so that when we were sued by an employee we remained covered, something our previous tm Mr. Gillispie did not do. If I hadn't gotten it fixed then we would have had to pay the settlement out of tax payer dollars.
Oh, lets not forget the fact that I have worked to make sure our employees get cost of living raises every year, despite the fact that the past personnel commitee chairs was trying to give them only a half percent raise. We don't pay our employees enough as it is, so demeaning them further with such an offer was disgusting.
I've also upheld the Federal Whistleblower Act and Family Medical Leave Act in regards to our employees to protect them from illegal actions. Of course this is based on the legal high ground you have no regard for, so perhaps you don't consider it meritable.
What I haven't done is abused my position to grant favors and tax abatements to friends.
I haven't called any illegal meetings.
I haven't been sued by an employee for harrassment, in fact Mr. Jennings and I were the only two council members not named in the lawsuit.
I've never asked the police officers to pull a ticket for a friend, in violation of federal law.
I haven't used my position to harass residents.
There is a huge list of things I haven't done, most of them illegal.
As for what I have done, my voting record speaks for itself and I stand by it. None of my votes were coerced, nor made because I thought it would be "friendly" to other council members.
It's obvious you have your head so far up the mayors ass that you can't see what anyone else is doing in town, and your too stupid to work a computer.
How dare you suggest that an elected official should ignore illegal stuff just to be part of the good ol boys club.
you can't delete posts without it showing up as deleted. how stupid are you? or did your boss not warn you how this funny electric thing works?
it's so stupid that you aren't condemning the illegal stuff, instead your going after the people that reveal it. typical small town close mindedness
And unlike your sorry ass I'm not ashamed to use my real name.
Every time I see one of these anonymous jerks defending the mayor and the rest of the crooks, I know that the person they are complaining about is doing something right or they wouldn't be griping about them.
Wanda Jennings
Sorry I had to delete my earlier comment because I left off my signature.
I think more council people should post here.
I think the people that post anonymously are cowards. They might as well be wearing white sheets to cover their identities from the people they try burn.
Our council had three people on it that bother to work, within legal bounds.
Ms M and the two Mr Js. The rest are puppets. I hope Mr. S will come on board and refuse to be a puppet. I don't think he's going to ignore the legal high ground in order to get into the German Club.
Cassy W
We now know who the village idiot for Brookneal is.
Please place a warning sign on your head so if we encounter you while out in public we can avoid getting hit by the train load of shit you carry behind you
Come on people! Is this how grown ups act? Anonymous, why don't you just say who you are? This is Brookneal for heavens sake. Even those who believe they have power really don't. They are big fish in a really, really small pond. Certainly you, anonymous, aren't afraid of those who post on this blog?! LOL You speak in such a bold manner here, but I wonder, are you really that brazen in public?
Forgot to post my name. Clicked the button too quick.
Catherine wrote:
>This is Brookneal for heavens sake. Even those who believe they have power really don't. They are big fish in a really, really small pond.
This is SO true. Being on the council in Brookneal does not mean you're something special or get a free pass to lord it over people. Being on the council means giving service to the community, it doesn't mean you're the master, instead you are the servant.
Tracy M
Suggestion; There is so much hysteria about people posting "Anonymous", how about the Brookneal Blogger simply remove the Anonymous option all together.
> how about the Brookneal Blogger simply remove the Anonymous option all together.
I had considered it after the recent spate of stupidity. It seems that the biggest problems we have from anonymous posters are from the people that want the blog, and public opinions, shut down.
For now I'm going to leave posting without a google account an option. But the next unfounded accusation about people editing or removing posts, or just flat out lying is going to find restrictions placed on the blog.
Cassey W. said:
>...I think the people that post anonymously are cowards. They might as well be wearing white sheets to cover their identities from the people they try burn.<
I do agree that your statement is appropriate for the Brookneal Blogger as he attempts to "lynch" the Mayor.
>I do agree that your statement is appropriate for the Brookneal Blogger as he attempts to "lynch" the Mayor.
As opposed to how the mayor has used her position to try to lynch other council members, employees and resident. I don't think the BLogger has been sued y a town employee for harassment, the mayor has. And the town settled, so it likely the mayor was guilty.
Cassy W
I think anonymous is yanking some chains. Really, do you miss Laurie or are you baiting her??
Seems like you want to pick a fight. Maybe you just aren't "satisfied" in your own life.
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