Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Did I really read this?

Looked over the last two weeks' papers, and read the WSET site, and saw some things that bother me.

1) Has Brookneal really had the same auditor for 31 years? That is the most fiscally irresponsible crap that I have ever heard. IRS draft of "Good Governance Practices for 501 (C) (3) Organizations section 7. FINANCIAL AUDITS states: The auditing firm should be changed periodically (e.g. every five years) to ensure a fresh look at the financial statements.
31 years? Sounds like someone has a financial puppet on the payroll.

2) Some group of idiots, reading only handed out literature, decided biosolids are safe? No research, no hard studies, just handouts and they decided it's a good idea to dump sewage on land we get our food from? They even admit their ignorance in the real science of sludge, but still go one record declaring it is safe.

3) Nine months to get a utilities plan on a building that costs the town money to maintain? I'm annoyed that it's taken that long, but not surprised considering the council has dragged out hiring a new town manager for 2 years. Nine months seems like the speed of light compared to how they usually do things.

4) If Campbell County is going to be cutting deputy jobs then will we still have the police protection we need? We've only got three officers to cover this town. I've heard that several of the council want to dropped getting the police dog, even though it was purchased with grant money. So then we'd have even less protection if the county loses officers.

5) Pittsylvania County had a land fill leak. Campbell County and Lynchburg have landfill issues. Who wants to bet me that we will eventually have a landfill right outside of the Brookneal town limits? We are the lower end of the county and get treated like it. Since the county supervisors see nothing wrong with dumping sludge all over the place it isn't unlikely that we''l have trash dumped down here too.

6) CVCC is closing the local branch. This is a shame, wish it wasn't so.

I have a question for the readers: Why do the town limits stop before they reach four of the biggest local businesses? How much tax money is Brookneal losing by not having town limits that go out to Foster Fuels? Why has no effort been made to extend town limits past these businesses? Don't they use town services? Town water?


Buck Hunter said...

I've never known of anyone having the same auditor that long. I work in a CPAs office and that length of time with one company is unheard of. If Brookneal intends to keep this company they need to have someone else come and check their books every few years to be sure they are doing their job correctly.

Biosolids are nothing but sewage. Putting them on food crops is stupid. No wonder we have so many salmonella outbreaks.

I hope they don't bring a landfill down here. We already have enough trouble with the vultures in town. They are always at the ball park and buzzing the dumpsters.


Unknown said...

More oversight is needed for Brookneal!!!!!!!!!!!

Biosolids are a great proven resource.

Synagro provides biosolids but has been found guilty of bribery by the F.B.I. Synagro is rife with corruption.

Lisa Williams sucks.

Tuffy Horse said...


Your post didn't make much sense. You say more oversight is needed, then say sludge is a great proven resource (which it isn't) and then claim someone names Lisa Williams sucks.

What exactly are you talking about?

Tracy M

Unknown said...

Synagro sucks!!!!!!!!!!
Synagro is guilty of bribery!!!!!!!
Synagro should be investigated in Philadelphia!!!!!!! $100,000 contributed to campaigns before contract awarded!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa Williams sucks biosolids air !!!!!!!!!!!!