Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays to Brookneal

The New Year is fast approaching. I'd like the readers to post what they'd like to see happen in Brookneal in the coming year.

What would you most like to see happen?

And what would you like to see stop happening?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Town meeting

Just got back in to town in time to almost be washed into the Staunton River. Where did this rain come from?

Any reports on the town meeting? Are we any closer to getting the manager issue resolved?

Looks like we have a new reporter, so maybe we'll get some good information from now on.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Parade and newspaper

We really enjoyed the Christmas Parade. The floats seem to be getting better every year. I also like the old cars, some of them were really nice. The weather was probably the best I can remember on parade night. Big crowds and a lot of kids!

At the end of my last post someone mentioned that the Union Star has a new reporter. Is this true? I've seen several articles lately that are full of mistakes and sloppy editing. I hope this improves. Whether they realize it or not people from all over the country read about Brookneal. I get hits from Colorado, Alaska, Connecticut, Texas, Florida and other states. I assume most are interested in news from an area they grew up or used to live. Some are probably just nosy or checking up on other people that live here.
If I get that big of a variety of readership for this blog, then the Union Star website probably gets even more. What their impression is of the mistakes I don't want to think about.