Just in:
Since the mayor and "Acting as the Town Manager" decided to bully the Chamber of Commerce into not holding a candidates' forum the two ladies have decided to host their own get together:
"Meet the New Candidates for the Town of Brookneal Council. "
The newest candidates for council seats up for election this year are hosting a "Getting to Know Us" afternoon get together. The community is invited to attend. Come and meet the candidates and tell them your concerns for the town; Saturday, November 1st, 4:00 PM, 112 Clark Street.
For more information call Tamera Sprouse or Sonya Furguson 376-7297 to leave a message.
I hope these two women will get your support. Both are extremely qualified and both have local roots. I would like to see an end to the council and town employees being used for personal gain and to promote personal vendettas.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Meet the New Candidates
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I think this will actually work out for the best.
Being held in a residence and being a "Meet The 'New' Candidates" function, this will actually freeze out the incumbents. (unless they want to come and meet their new replacements)
Also, it will cause the incumbents to spend some time and MONEY they otherwise wouldn't have spent, (or didn't think they'd have to spend) which should cause some problems for most of them.
Too bad the Chamber knuckled under.
I can't help but think that this may very likely hurt business for those who remain members of the Chamber.
In addition, this will cause everyone to keep a watch on who and what the Chamber sponsors in the future.
In the long run I'd have to say that the Brookneal Chamber of Commerce has shot themselves in the foot on this one!
Watch out for the local Police to be called on Clark St. the evening of this function for some trivial matter such as parking, etc.
We all know who lives on Clark St. and may have a complaint. (this will cause as big a stir to some as invading Iraq did)
You have to remember, this is not a prestigious "German Club" function where you can get drunk and drive home without the fear of getting locked up.
Hello bbiw,
No need to be so melodramatic.
Hello Brookneal Blogger,
Slightly biased you are.
Edward Pearson
Edward Pearson said: "Hello Brookneal Blogger,
Slightly biased you are."
It's HIS blog, I think he can be as bias as he wants. LOL
I wonder why none of the other council members post here. I've seen Ms. Meisenbach, but no one else. I know they read it, I know the town office reads it, because I've walked in when the employees were discussing it when I went to pay my water bill.
If they are reading it then why not post, or answer some questions?
Doesn't the mayor know how to turn on a computer?
Mr. Anonymous, I don't think the blog is biased, I think it is truthful and shows what is actually going on. We've never gotten the nitty gritty news before, it's always the watered down version in the newspaper. I like knowing what is happening a week before the newspaper reports it.
For once I feel like I'm being kept informed, and that I can ask questions without getting my head chewed off or being treated like some second class citizen by the mayor. I've attended council meetings and I don't want to attend any more because I was treated like my concern was stupid and I was stupid for bringing it to them and wasting their time.
I had one council member talk to me after the meeting and she agreed that it was a problem and she's tried to get it fixed, but can't get the town to do anything.
I can't believe the mayor and mr crews didn't want a forum. Well I can believe it, because they are afraid of getting their "perfect" world disturb and losing control.
I can't believe the chamber knuckled under and refused to host a public forum so the residents that shop in their businesses in this town don't have an opportunity to discuss the issues.
If I find out who the chamber member is that shut the forum down then I will no longer do business with them.
Mr. Pearson,
I'm not biased, I'm factual. Five years of seeing, reading and hearing about the stuff coming out of the town office has given me a good perspective on what is happening.
My email inbox, which fills up just about every day, gives me another.
"Brookneal Blog
The place to come to find out what is going on in Brookneal! Let's talk about our great little town and the businesses and people in it"
I remember reading your original comments before your started this Blog. I do feel you are biased, which is not a bad thing just factual. So why don't you just place in the title your agenda.
"The place do come and find out what's going on in Brookneal."
I do appreciate your updates concerning our council as with a weekly paper and with disassociated staff you perform a great sevice in providing some current info on the council. However, it seems to be only concerning the council.
"Let's talk about our great little town..."
This one confuses me as you have yet to mention what's so great about our little town or anyone else for that fact and I took that as sacarsim as defined so well by Tracey M.
"and the businesses and people in it."
Well well, you and others certainly do that so well. Included of course with some are the "facts", "check the minutes", "research the documents."
Good job promoting the fine places that serve our community.
Just be honest and title your Blog.
" I am against the majority of the council and the Mayor, I am against Mike Crews, I believe there actions our evil and illegal, I would like others to post there rumors and allegations.
I have not posted to date anything positive concerning the Town of Brookneal and decided to start this Blog after the arrest of Stacey and investigation of Mike Crews."
You have all the rights and I do encourage and follow the comments posted and agree that you can be biased, but at least acknowledge it.
Just so I am clear as to whom I do not support.
We ate today at the Skillet and watch the posting of the Re-Elect Stacey Haily flyer on the front door.
I can say that at times in life poor decisions are made and we learn from that and develop ourselves into the adults we become. However with Stacey current convictions and his standing in our community I do not feel that he is able to provide what is necessary for our town. I do wish the best for the writes-ins and hope they get on but the likely result is they will not.
So what can we do to move forward in a positive direction? If someone has a concern, problem or just curious about something. Call the Mayor, Call our Councilmen, Call our interim Town Manager directly and ask to meet with them. I think most would be happy to help. Some will not and thats just how it is.
Step up, stand with or step aside.
Edward Pearson
Edward P,
May I ask you what has changed about the current council in the last 2 years to sway you so far to their side? Your oppinion certainly has changed drastically for someone who couldn't wait for me to take them to court. Just wondering.
I do think you are right in one regard though. There are some great things about Brookneal. Perhaps you should start a blog about it. It's really easy to do. I started one about my little garden just because I could. I failed to maintain it though so it didn't go anywhere.
Good Morning Laurie
As I enjoy my first cup of coffee I was thinking I should add something to my comment before anyone reads it.
That being I agree that changes need to be made concerning the actions of the council concerning employee pay,vacation,medical benefits, follow up on alot of things. I feel what happened to was not only wrong but illegal and the settlement was justified. I am curious about how much that was?
Small town politics was all new to me when I first started going to the meetings. I've served on HOA boards with twice the budget, twice the bickering and twice as much completed. The reality is that this is the council we have, all great and fine you want them out and someday that may be. Possible, just not likely. Let's work with what we have and give our support to who is there. My belief is that Brookneal would be better handled by the County but would not like to see that happen. I don't know if people realize that only the Mayor recieves a salary of about 3,000. Council members do not, I assume that they get expense remibursement. I just can't see there personal gain or personal vendettas people refer to. I will end with I believe that there are far more qualified,motivated and caring people that could do a far better job then the past councils have. There not there so lets support the ones there. I would hope that if someone is unhappy the could speak with any of them but not take it personal that nothing happens. Tracey M. is 100% in stating that what was started needs to be finished. I do enjoy reading and contributing to the Blog but I just felt the Title wasn't accurate. I am all for everyones right to say and believe but understand I have that right also without someone calling my house and and calling me a A-hole.
I hope the 2 write-in run again in the next election and register prior.
It's got to be tough to followup of items when they are your friends and or neighbors or co-workers.
God I love this town and have met some of the nicest people and have also met some real jerks. Par for the course.
It’s my understanding that there are still issues as to equal pay, and equal benefits. I honestly don’t know for sure as I can’t remember the last time I spoke with a town employee. I do feel for them (town employees) though as I still don’t believe things have changed. I would love to be proven wrong though.
The amount of the settlement was never the issue. The lawsuit was based on principle only. There was a part of me that wanted to continue on and see this thing through instead of settling. However, I have spent the better part of the last 2 years trying to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There came a time when I believed my point was made and it was in my best interest to just move on. After living through the things I lived through while working for the town, enough was enough.
Did you know a sitting councilman threatened to kick my d@mned @ss? My vehicle was tampered with when I was 8 months pregnant. I could have wrecked and lost my life, the life of my unborn daughter, and/or the lives of my children. I was publicly berated, I was set up numerous times in relation to my work. I was sexually harassed (physically). I saw the ugliest side of those who are leading this town. I know that forgiveness is important, and I try really hard, but God’s still working on me with that one.
I’m sorry that you received a phone call and someone called you names. Believe me; I’ve been down that road too. I’ve learned that people will certainly disappoint you if you put too much faith in them.
I think the saddest thing for me is that I truly cared about this little town. I tried to look out for the taxpayer, the citizen. I tried to be fair to everyone no matter their social status, race, or gender. I miss many of the people who I came to know through the years.
None of this had to happen. I asked for a simple meeting in the beginning to discuss the disparities in pay and benefits. I was turned down. One councilman even remarked that no woman was going to tell him what to do. I did not even have a lawyer initially. Mr. Gillespie stated to me, in a phone call, that they weren’t going to even look into the legality of my contract and if I wanted anything done I would have to get an attorney. So I did. Even as late as December of 2005 I called Champ and asked him if we could just settle everything and move on. I was willing to settle for much less than what my final settlement was. He told me that the only way I would get anything from the town was if I took them to court. So I did.
I sometimes wish that my whole story could have been told. I’ve heard the rumors; I know what some have said about me. But it was never about the money. It was about what was right. My grandfather taught me to stand up for what I believed was right, even if I stood alone. Believe me, many times I felt as though I was standing alone.
I do hope that the town can come together and grow. I know I don’t live in town and some people believe that I shouldn’t comment because of that. But this is still my town. I shop here, my kids go to school here, and I have friends and family here. I don’t want to see it go away. But, I cannot in good conscience support 3 of the council members, the mayor, or the acting town manager. I have seen what they are truly about, not the façade they put on for the public. For me, character goes a long way. Maybe not so much for others.
I'll leave you with one question though. If we are to move on and talk about the good things in the town, how do you propose we do that? I don’t believe you can simply wipe the slate clean and pretend things didn’t happen. Forgiveness is not about forgetting, it’s about letting go. I can let go, but that doesn’t make me forget what I know.
Maybe the blogger will start a post about the really good things in this town. There are many! I would be glad to contribute to that or any other discussion as to how to help the town to grow. But please don’t ask me to pretend that the past never happened. That I can not do.
Oh, and Edward, let me add that I did appreciate the support you showed towards me when I was working at the town office. Just as I haven't forgotten the bad stuff, I also haven't forgotten the good stuff either. I guess that's why some of your comments have taken me by surprise.
Mr. Pearson,
>I remember reading your original comments before your started this Blog. I do feel you are biased, which is not a bad thing just factual. So why don't you just place in the title your agenda.
I'm biased towards the facts. I don't create the stupid situations the mayor and town employees get themselves in, I just report them. If you don't like the tone of the blog then please call the mayor and "Acting As A Town Manager" and tell them to quite doing stupid things for me to report on.
>However, it seems to be only concerning the council.
Mr. Pearson, I travel at least five days a week. I get home after the stores are closed. Most of the news I collect I get via email. If people want to send me information about other stuff then I'm happy to post it. However, the majority of the email I get from town residents is griping about the council, mayor and town employees.
>This one confuses me as you have yet to mention what's so great
Then you need to go back and read the archives. There have been discussion about interesting features in the area. I also provide links to the different attractions in the area.
>Good job promoting the fine places that serve our community.
Looks like you're kind of falling down on the job yourselve. You're berating me for making an effort, that you are unwilling to undertake yourself. If you want these things discussed then create your own blog and invite comment.
>We ate today at the Skillet and watch the posting of the Re-Elect Stacey Haily flyer on the front door.
>I can say that at times in life poor decisions are made and we learn from that and develop ourselves into the adults we become. However with Stacey current convictions and his standing in our community I do not feel that he is able to provide what is necessary for our town.
Sounds like you are a bit biased against wife beaters, are you sure you want to make that public?
>Call the Mayor, Call our Councilmen, Call our interim Town Manager directly and ask to meet with them. I think most would be happy to help. Some will not and thats just how it is.
Help out? Like telling a nice elderly lady she can't keep her goat, because the town manager doesn't understand the meaning of the words "at large"?
I don't create this stuff Mr. Pearson. If I could I'd be a top comedy writer in Hollywood instead of someone that works 12 hour days and travels all over central Virginia.
I'm not the one that tried to pull tickets, give friends tax abatements, harassed employees, shut down a public political forum, ignored the crime in the area, and let the blight get out of hand. If you're supporting the current council then you're supporting these problems.
See, now wasn't that easy to express how you feel and the reasons you feel that way.
It's ok to be biased and sarcastic.
>It's ok to be biased and sarcastic
Obviously Ed, or you wouldn't be here.
Oh Edward, you poor soul.
You seem to have lost your way by becoming totally mesmerized by the misinformation so freely handed out by the nonsensical creatures who have tirelessly made one attempt after another to destroy our lovely, or previously lovely little town, which was once inhabited only by the friendly and kind hearted.
This administrative collapse was "possibly" not caused by ill intentions, but perhaps more so from a cerebral implosion of sorts on their behalf.
Do you happen to know any history of the town you have chosen to reside in for such a short period of time?
Tell us what you know, how much you've inquired into during your brief but misinformed stay here.
Tell us where Devil's Kitchen is located, where did the Ferry cross Staunton River and name the Ferry, do you know the last 4 mayors by name? Name the individuals from this short list and them come back to us with your wisdom; Wallace Jackson, Screw Davis, Pearly Tucker, Carl Clements, Love Frances, J. K. Andrews, Charlie Bradley, and the list could go on, but I want to give you a fair chance, so I started with the easy ones first.
You can even cheat by taking this list around town and asking the good folks of Brookneal.
Learn about us and then live freely among us.
But by all means, obtain the truth in all you hear and witness.
Brookneal Blogger said
>"Sounds like you are a bit biased against wife beaters, are you sure you want to make that public?"
I only hope the the sarcism here was in general! As I am certain you have not met my wife.
Hello Jerry the Poet.
I am at home here. Soul intact. Brookneal is not the past you poor soul. Welcome to the now and help us go from here. I am always open to visitors and enjoy good conversation. The 3 short years I've been here have been the longest of my life as it is now.
Hope to meet sometime.
Jerry the Poet said
>"which was once inhabited only by the friendly and kind hearted."
"Andrews" I presume you haven't spoke to his daughter in more than 35 years, if ever at all.
Don't act like life was perfect back then. PLEASE
Do stop and visit sometime.
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