Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Union Star

Is it just me or does the local paper miss a lot of news?

When I talk to people in town I hear about different things going on in the community, but I never read about these same things in the newspaper.
I have also heard about several misquotes, and stories that don't include very important details from the council meetings.

The paper used to be fairly informative, what happened?


Anonymous said...

Indeed, indeed!
Sometimes I wonder if the Mayor is actually the Editor???

It seems that now days when you see Mr. Crews' name in the paper he is simply referred to as Town Manager, instead of "Interim" Town Manager.
2 years on the job, 1 year with the official job title!
Maybe they think that if "Interim" is dropped from his title long enough he'll actually be qualified for the position, or fall under the "Grandfather Clause" as Town Manager.

Also, on the budget vote June
10th., Mr. Jean voted YEA but with a stipulation that they advertise for a new Town Manager (which he had requested a month earlier), but NO NO, the "Onion" Star didn't bother putting that bit of info in.
Probably too much to absorb with all the other stipulations being rattled off at the same time.

And, has anyone noticed that when a new business opens in town it most always gets a free plug in the paper, but for the exception of Council member Meisenbach's new Pet Grooming business, which I see she has paid the "Onion" Star to advertise in!
I remember a while back when a new Winery opened up and they had half the front page and over into the next page about it, and this business wasn't even located in the town limits. (No revenue for the town there!)
Perhaps just a simple oversight, I'm sure!
But could it simply be that there are just more "wino's" in Brookneal than there are Pet owners?

Is it time to call Tim Davis at Womack Publishing and find out what's going on with the local "Bird Cage Liner"? :

Anonymous said...

Brookneal blogger said: "The paper used to be fairly informative, what happened?"

Paula & Donna left, that's what happened! :(

Anonymous said...

Gee...seems the paper doesn't even know a new doctor is in town! That would make an interesting story. Pitiful that no one cares anymore about putting out a good newspaper!

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed reading the UNION STAR. I feel that the newspaper does a great job. My suggestion is if you don't like it, don't buy it!

And if you have so many problems about it, try contacting the newspaper not blogging about it all over the net!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I've really enjoyed reading the UNION STAR. I feel that the newspaper does a great job. My suggestion is if you don't like it, don't buy it!

And if you have so many problems about it, try contacting the newspaper not blogging about it all over the net!

You know, I get so tired of seeing people come here and saying that we shouldn't be "blogging" or talking about things on the internet. Why shouldn't we? Do we still live in America or are you of the opinion that we live by "Brookneal law" as Mr. Nowlin says?

Wah wah wah...quit your crying and grow up! We have a 1st amendment right to say whatever we want as long as it's the truth or personal opinions. My suggestion is, if you don't like it, don't read it.

And just an FYI...I have contacted the newspaper on several occasions. They are now clueless...since Paula and Donna left. Of course, I'll bet some people, like you, prefer it that way.

I'll leave you with an old saying...

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!

Anonymous said...

I am replying to the post above mine. In my previous comment I mentioned how great I think the Union Star paper is.

I've lived here 30 years, and a newspaper can't catch everything that goes on in society. Epsecially since gossip seems to be popular in this day in time.

If you think that getting online and complaining about the Union Star is okay for an adult, get offline and mature a little.

Donna and Paula were great workers but I'm sure it's people like you they couldn't please & things like this make a job aggravating.

Also, if the Union Star is so horrible get out and make your own paper. YOU try & catch all the things that happen in the community and seperate it from the gossip and rumors spread throughout the town.