Monday, August 18, 2008

What really matters?

Seems from a lot of the comments that people are touchy about the fact the town has junky areas. It's also very apparent that people aren't happy about Mr. Hailey, or Mr. Crews.

What do you think it is going to take to get this town back on the right track? We seem to have an endless set of problems coming from the town office. What causes these problems?


Anonymous said...

Lets take your questions 1 at a time;
1. "Seems from a lot of the comments that people are touchy about the fact the town has junky areas. It's also very apparent that people aren't happy about Mr. Hailey, or Mr. Crews".

1. answer to "Junky areas"; the town has to be consistent and non-discriminatory in enforcing the clean up policy.

1a. answer to "aren't happy about Mr Hailey or Mr. Crews"; I predict that a write-in campaign of massive proportion will take place in Nov. and a chimpanzee will replace Mr. Hailey.
When the town finally gets around to advertising for a part or full time town manager, and they won't be able to avoid advertising for one and simply appoint Mr. Crews to the job, then you will see a qualified individual put in the position and Mr. Crews will fall back to "Pubic" Works Director, or Maintenance Supervisor (as the title should be). Then the town will begin to see progress.
*On a side note; When the Mayor, Mr. Adams and Mr. Nowlin are replaced with people who will work for the taxpayers only, then a major improvement will be seen in Brookneal.

2. "What do you think it is going to take to get this town back on the right track? We seem to have an endless set of problems coming from the town office. What causes these problems"?

2. answer to "Get town back on....... track";

See answer for #1 question!!!

Anonymous said...

"What do you think it is going to take to get this town back on the right track?"

Vote these people out of office: Phyllis Campbell, Champ Nowlin, Richard "Dick" Adams, and Stacey Hailey. Fire Mike Crews & Bobbie Waller. Then, start fresh!

"We seem to have an endless set of problems coming from the town office. What causes these problems?"

What causes these prolems are Phyllis Campbell, Champ Nowlin, Richard "Dick" Adams, Stacey Hailey, Mike Crews & Bobbie Waller.

Seems pretty simple to me!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading this blog and have some questions I would like answered.
1. Specifically what have Mr. Crews, Mr. Adams, Mr. Nowlin, and Mayor Campbell done to offend people? I don't want to hear that Mr. Crews is a felon; that has been aired enough and has become quite tedious.
2. Are the people voicing their objections citizens of and registered voters in the town of Brookneal?
3. Would any respondent to this blog who lives within the town limits be willing to be a write-in? Why did this person not file for placement on the ballot?
4. Specifically what have Mr. Jean, Mr. Jennings, and Ms. Meisenbach done that makes them above reproach?
5. Has anyone called for Mr. Hailey's resignation in a town meeting? Why not? Is there not a chance for public comment in each meeting?
6. Has anyone called for the resignation of any of the "offending" people in a council meeting? Why not?
If so many people feel so opposed to the members of council and these people keep getting elected, then why not organize and publically call for resignations.
7. With so much dissension and disagreement why not give up the charter and go back into the county?
I hope some of you who monitor this blog and who respond to it can shed some light on these questions for me.

Anonymous said...

Fear of retaliation by the town

There is your answer to all of the above

Anonymous said...

"Fear of retaliation by the town"

Do you mean retaliation by the town council? the town in general (but I don't know how this could be)? the voting public? those who elected these people? Please, be more specific. I am honest when I say I really want to know what the real problem is.
In my mind, the voting public elected the council--at least those willing to run. From what I have read in this blog, I can certainly see why no one would want to run for anything in that town.
How does this answer apply to question #4?

Anonymous said...

Everything you asked has been addressed repeatedly on this very blog. Why not take the time to go back and read what people have already written?

"From what I have read in this blog, I can certainly see why no one would want to run for anything in that town."

Oh, I see you have already read it. Are you lacking reading comprehension skills? The answers to your questions are already here, in this blog.

And I'm guessing that the anonymous poster was referring to retaliation by the town council (mayor & certain members) and town administration (a.k.a. Mike Crews) in that post. Have you been hiding under a rock? You must have been to not know this? People have been fired, threatened, bullied, harassed, and intimidated into backing down in this corrupt little town.

Anonymous said...

"People have been fired, threatened, bullied, harassed, and intimidated into backing down in this corrupt little town."

That is exactly what I meant.

Tuffy Horse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1. Specifically what have Mr. Crews, Mr. Adams, Mr. Nowlin, and Mayor Campbell done to offend people? I don't want to hear that Mr. Crews is a felon;

Mr Crews treats the other employees unfairly. He is vindictive and a bully. This is why our water treatment plant supervisor, Paul Francis left. He also uses the town vehicles and equipment in his personal life. He has made inappropriate comments to staff as well as other women in town.

Mr. Adams is a liar. He said he would make sure a temp employee was hired full time and then lied and said the town couldn't. He lied all through the lawsuit with Mrs. Francis. He is nothing but a puppet for Mayor Campbell. He lied and said the town would commence advertising for a new town manager in 60 days, but he hasn't placed the add and it's been three months now.

Mayor Campbell also lied about Mrs. Francis and is the main cause of the lawsuit. She also shows blatant favoritism towards certain employees, as well as asking for, and threatening town staff for, favors for her friends, such as pulling tickets and making tax abatements. She lied to Sheriff Gaddy about not letting Mr. Crews supervise the police department.

Mr. Nowlin is an idiot. I don't know why people re-elect him. I have heard him flip his position right there in a council meeting. He argued his first point, and then after the Mayor spoke up he flip flopped and supported her point of view. He has over 14 years on the council and his voting record is abysmal.

Calling for a council members' resignation is not an effective method of removal. You cannot remove a person from public office unless they commit a felony or treason. The town charter does not allow it. It's ironic that Mayor Campbell wanted Mrs. Meisenbach to resign after she told her trashy neighbors not to use her land as a parking lot, but the Mayor hasn't said anything to Mr. Hailey. It's ironic that Mayor Campbell has been the source of a huge amount of public misinformation, such as who contacted Sheriff Gaddy about Mr. Crews' felony conviction, but she hasn't resigned when the truth comes out and shows she was lying. Looks like she doesn't hold herself to the same standard she holds others.

And if you really want to know about Mr. Crews just ask James Marsden.

Tuffy Horse said...

anonymous ( again, why are we not surpirsed?) wrote:

>4. Specifically what have Mr. Jean, Mr. Jennings, and Ms. Meisenbach done that makes them above reproach?

First off I have worked very hard to get the town to enforce, and adopt, ordinances to clean up the blight. I was repeatedly ignored and now we've reached a point where we have to clean it up or lose grant money. Check the minutes for the past 6 years.

Secondly, I flat out told the council, and mayor, and former town manager Bill Gillispie, that we were going to lose the case filed by former town clerk Mrs. Francis, and I was right. Had they listened we would have saved a ton on legal fees, a whole lot of bad press and we'd wouldn't have the reputation for treating our employees unfairly.

Thirdly, I have repeatedly defended the employees, and I mean ALL the employees, when the time for giving raises, and other monetary issues, have arisen. If I had not pushed the issue there are some years they wouldn't have even gotten 1 % raises. We don't pay them enough as it is, so not giving them even a small raise is ridiculous.

There are a whole bunch of other things I've worked on, that would not even have been attempted by the town if I had not pushed for them. I have brought people to the town to visit and they then move here because they see the potential for Brookneal. I worked extremely hard on getting the Chamber of Commerce up and running in 2002 and helped stage two of their most successful fund raisers to date. I have worked to protect the town from pollution encroachment, which doesn't seem to concern the county or mayor, because drinking sludge tainted water is no big deal.

None of this makes me above reproach. I'm quite sure I make a lot of people mad, especially the blight creators and slum lords. I really don't care what anyone thinks about me personally. I stand on my voting record and can explain each and every single vote I have cast. I am not afriad to stand up and tell the "powers" in this town when they are wrong and when they are acting for self interest, instead of the best interests for the town.
And despite all the personal attacks, as well as stupid rumors and lies, I keep working to promote Brookneal, and its people.

And I back up what I say by signing my own name and standing behind my actions.

Tracy Meisenbach

Anonymous said...

1. Specifically what have Mr. Crews, Mr. Adams, Mr. Nowlin, and Mayor Campbell done to offend people?

Read the paper, it has a good listing of their past sins. Check the Union Star website archives. I like the article when the council is arguing about employee raises and one council member says they don't have to follow the law because they go by Brookneal law. Research the stupid comments made by our super consultant Bill Gillispie. he said some of the stupidest and harmful things I've ever read. One of my biggest gripes with Mayor Campbell is that she refuses to get rid of him and my taxes are paying his consulting fees.

2. Are the people voicing their objections citizens of and registered voters in the town of Brookneal

I am. I voted against every one of the people listed above in every single election and intend to do it again. I'd vote for a road killed oppossum first.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to the area and haven't posted before, but I have enjoyed reading the blog. I do have a question for the people here:

What is the deal with the ugly blue and brick building next to the library? It looks like it caught on fire. Why hasn't it been torn down or fixed up? The entire back of the building looks like it's going to fall down. Isn't this a public health issue?
I see it when I drive into town to shop, and I've never seen any improvements being done to it.

Wanda J

Anonymous said...

Wanda, your question;
"What is the deal with the ugly blue and brick building next to the library? It looks like it caught on fire. Why hasn't it been torn down or fixed up? The entire back of the building looks like it's going to fall down. Isn't this a public health issue?
I see it when I drive into town to shop, and I've never seen any improvements being done to it."

This unsightly mess belongs to councilman Adams and family.

Yes, there was a fire in this building. As for being torn down or fixed up, that's the $64,000 question. (and probably close to what the repairs or demolition would cost)

Yes, part of the inside as well as the back has either fell in or is destined to do so.

No, its not so much a public health issue, its mainly a public "safety hazard". One which I'm sure will be dealt with accordingly, one way or the other.

You will hopefully see improvements since the letters to fix or be fined have been sent out by Mr. Crews.
Either the owners will take care of this or the town will do it and send the owners the bill.

Clean up begins at home. The council members needed to fix their own property before the rest of the town could be expected to be ask to clean up their mess.
And before anyone ask; the weeds, bushes, small trees and vines growing up the side are not considered a part of what the revitalization program is about.
This only covers the structure.
There is a code on the books in town that can be enforced as to the vegetation problem.
Unless Mr. Adams thinks he is special or above the rules, he needs to get his own house in order or pay the piper!

Mr Jean & Mr. Jennings have complied and now its time to see what kind of person Mr. Adams is.

You shouldn't have to tell a grown man that his grass needs cutting, his car needs washing, his gutters are missing from his dwelling or his property in general is in need of clean up or repair.
But in this case, I guess you probably need to do so!
This place has been a major eye-sore for some years now.

I certainly hope Mr. Crews doesn't discriminate and allow Mr. Adams to slide on this issue, or give him extra time to clean up that he didn't give the others.
That's all Brookneal needs, another law suit.
Looks like the 15 days are coming to an end.
Better get hopping Mr. Adams.