Thursday, September 18, 2008

Economic forum

I stopped in on the Chamber of Commerce's Economic forum tonight. There was a good sized crowd and several speakers. I couldn't stay for the entire forum, but it looked like the plan for this area is to create an appeal based on history, residential and internet accesibility. Sounded like a good idea to me. Brookneal has a lot of small town charm, it's just hidden by the blight.

Things that weren't addressed were the financial situation of Brookneal, and the governmental problems here. I am glad the Chamber is taking the initiative to try to get this kind of information out to the public.

Mr. Davidson did say there was an offer on the Dan River site, but not whether it was another textile operator or if it was being looked at for other uses.


Anonymous said...

You mention "governmental problems" in your latest opening statement to this new "blog". This is a most deserving topic to be discussed, the only problem being , that it accomplishes nothing to vent ones feelings in a forum where there is no way to hold the participants to any kind of standard of truth. I must say that I believe you are part of the lowlife infiltraitors that make our society as unaccountable to law and truth as it is today. This "blog" forum is no more than a cartoon world for people ,such as yourself, who have no guts to come forward in a public arena and speak your piece aloud for all to hear and then substantiate it with the facts. My suggestion for you and all the "know it alls"is to stand in front of a mirror and see if you really like what you see in the light of being a "concerned citizen".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: “You mention "governmental problems" in your latest opening statement to this new "blog". This is a most deserving topic to be discussed, the only problem being , that it accomplishes nothing to vent ones feelings in a forum where there is no way to hold the participants to any kind of standard of truth.”

WOW!! Pot…meet kettle!! You come here with this diatribe and yet you post under “anonymous.” Are you afraid to use your real name? How are you any different than any other person that has posted here anonymously?

I have been reading this blog since its inception. I have always hesitated to post because of the retaliation I, and my family, received from members of the Brookneal town council and the administration. However, your post has led me to believe that I can remain silent no longer.

Anonymous said: “This "blog" forum is no more than a cartoon world for people ,such as yourself, who have no guts to come forward in a public arena and speak your piece aloud for all to hear and then substantiate it with the facts.”

Well, I do not know who the Brookneal Blogger is, so I can only speak for myself. I had the guts to come forward in the past, and I did so publicly. You say you want facts but I have to ask, do you really? Or, is this just another attempt by the good old boy's (or girl's if the shoe fits) network to bully those with whom you disagree?

I’ll be happy to face you, or anyone else, in a public arena, or through this blog, and speak my piece for all to hear and I CAN substantiate everything with facts! Just get up the courage to let me know who YOU are and I’ll be glad to answer any questions and provide the evidence to back it up.

Laurie Francis

Tuffy Horse said...

Gee Anonymous, talk about people who don't stand up to the mirror, where's your real name? Instead you're just bashing behind a fake identity because you don't have the back bone to use your real name. You're the cartoon.

Several people have spoken up here, using their real names. I've always posted under my real name, and I don't hesitate to stand up and speak out at meetings when illegal happenings occur.

You want facts? I've got them, both tape recorded meetings and written minutes.

Tracy Meisenbach

Brookneal Blogger said...

Pretty funny that you come on here and take your digs while hiding. I at least have my email listed, as well as a myspace page.
I was at the meeting last night, were you?
I'm at least making an effort to get the word out in the community, whereas you seem to belong to the old guard that wants everything kept hidden and quiet so they can hide their illegal doings.

And by the way Anonymous, I know where you post from and your ISP because I have a tracker on this website. For all of your questioning of my intelligence you weren't smart enough to figure out that this website tracks people.

Tell your "friend" the mayor I said hello.

Brookneal Blogger said...

Mrs. Francis,

Nice to see you here. I always appreciated your kindness to me and my girlfriend when we came in the town office.
I'm glad you prevailed in your case against the people that lied about you.

Anonymous said...

You seem to be making an attempt at emitting the impression that you are a person of the highest integrity, morally grounded in your principles, yet insistent upon holding the participants of this forum hostage to the title of "lowlife infiltrators" whose post you assume are mere factoids.
Although you provide no evidence to the contrary, I am certain that the veracity of an overwhelming majority of these statements will be proven at the proper time and place.
You wish for those who post here to be held accountable to law and truth and to have the guts to come forward in a public arena.
Would you like to see "all" of your local elected officials be held accountable to law and truth?
Very well. As Emeril Lagasse says; "Lets kick it up a notch".
You ask for it and you'll get your wish, and it will be in public.
I just hope everyone can handle the truth that is about to be unfolded!
We shall then see who ends up in your "cartoon world", which will likely be the cartoon; "The Born Looser".

Anonymous said...

Fellow "bloggers", you respond with such vehemance that I can only deduce that I've touched a sore spot. Could it be that you "closet politicians" have a hidden desire to be on council? It seems to me though that only one new candidate registered. Remember, "no guts , no glory". Now that I think about it, it sounds like the same as those pinko fag, liberal, democrats. Oh well, everybody got to be somebody. By the way, Mr. brookneal or probably, Ms.brookneal blogger, the intimidation threat you made has been noted. And for your information, such threats are illegal and could get you more attention than you desire. Either way, your opinions are free, provided by the waving of that red , white and blue. Paid for by those who willingly protect it, upfront and proud.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you sound so full of hate! I have to question why. I read what the Brookneal blogger wrote and have to say that I didn’t see anything that would be a threat. Of course, I’ve been down that road before and some will find a threat in anything.

I simply cannot believe that you would come here and say the following:

“Now that I think about it, it sounds like the same as those pinko fag, liberal, democrats.”

However, that does explain why, even after my challenge for you to reveal who you are, you have chosen to remain anonymous. My guess is you are the type of person who would wear a white sheet and burn crosses in your spare time. How terribly sad that your heart is that bitter and hard. But how indicative of the type of people we have running the town of Brookneal.

You also said: “Either way, your opinions are free, provided by the waving of that red , white and blue. Paid for by those who willingly protect it, upfront and proud.”

My husband is one of those who willingly protected your right to say the hateful things you just said even if you don’t deserve it. I will tell him you said thank you!

Just in case you are sitting in church tomorrow morning feeling all pious and such, here is a bit of scripture that you should ponder.

Matthew chapter 5:

43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'

44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?

47 And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

The offer still stands if you would like to discuss the facts and stop the hate speech. Just tell me who you are and I will gladly discuss anything I have knowledge of and show you the facts so that you can make an informed decision.

Laurie Francis

Tuffy Horse said...

Anonymous wrote:

>Now that I think about it, it sounds like the same as those pinko fag, liberal, democrats

The fact you would use such a derogatory term as "fag" shows what a bigotted twit you are. Anyone that would make such a comment on a public forum is a disgrace to the Town of Brookneal. What an embarassment that the whole world now knows that the people that defend the current adminstrations mistakes are bigotted, narrow minded, uneducated oafs. I'm surprised it took you so long to reply? What was the hold up, were you ironing your sheet for the big rally?

For the reocrd what you just asid could be construed as a hate crime, so your uppity response to the Blogger for having an ISP tracker is just so much bull. Site trackers are completely legal. Hate crimes are not.

Tracy M

Anonymous said...

tuffy horse said: "Anyone that would make such a comment on a public forum is a disgrace to the Town of Brookneal."

Tracy, I have to agree 100% with this statement. If I were this person I would not reveal my name either.

If this kind of sentiment is revealed on a public forum, can you imagine what is said in private?

I can tell you, however, that this is the kind of speech that I heard on a regular basis when I worked for the town. Comments such as these and others degrading women and minorities are one of the reasons I spoke up as I did.

Perhaps anonymous should be the one looking in the mirror and reflecting on his or her own ability to like what they see.

Laurie Francis

Tuffy Horse said...

Laurie wrote:

>Tracy, I have to agree 100% with this statement. If I were this person I would not reveal my name either.

I'd be ashamed of being such a bigot! But then again, considering what I've heard coming out of supposedly "nice" people's mouths I'm not surprised.

>If this kind of sentiment is revealed on a public forum, can you imagine what is said in private?

I cringe to think about it. I have heard people considered to be stalwart pillars of the community use the "N" word and it just shocks me. This is the 21th century and we still have such harmful and backwards thinking?

>I can tell you, however, that this is the kind of speech that I heard on a regular basis when I worked for the town. Comments such as these and others degrading women and minorities are one of the reasons I spoke up as I did.

I know. I've heard the same racist and sexist comments at town meetings and in the office. I always freaks me out, and when I have rebuked people for making them I have been treated like I'm in the wrong for being offended. Sorry, but I will continue to be offended and the people making the comments need to clean up their acts.

Tracy M

Anonymous said...


It's bad enough that everyone thinks we're a bunch of inbred rednecks in this section of VA, and now you've just proven the point.
You defend a criminal government and then make hateful statements that could apply to the residents here that are a) of a sexual orientation different from yours or b) of a political mindset different from yours. Regardless they are still residents, pay their taxes and deserve the respect of others.
You show yourself the completest of idiots and you shame the Town of Brookneal with your public bigotry.
You didn't touch a nerve with your statements about facing the mirror, instead you show the hypocrisy of yourself, and the administration you defend.
I wonder if the Mayor would have the balls to publicly denounce you as a sexist perpetrator of hate crimes. Of if your statements reflect her own views.

Brookneal Blogger said...

I go out of town for few days and come back to find David Duke's counterpart has come to the blog. Just who do you represent that you're out to get all the "commies" in Brookneal? Would that be anyone that thinks that illegal votes, favoritism and letting the town run down to nothing? You sure showed some balls, NOT, by posting your offensive terms anonymously, but I'm not surprised considering who you're related to and affiliated with.

Anonymous said...

Remember, "no guts , no glory". Now that I think about it, it sounds like the same as those pinko fag, liberal, democrats.

Seriously, is something wrong with you?
Who with any positive aspiration for our town would post something like that or have such a thought process???
I am pround to say I'm from Brookneal and look forward to the direction we are heading. It's not necessary to be on the Council to effect change.
Oh, one more thing. Vote early and vote often.
Dem. or Rep.??? Just make an educated vote.

Edward P.

Anonymous said...

Edward P said:

"It's not necessary to be on the Council to effect change.
Oh, one more thing. Vote early and vote often.
Dem. or Rep.??? Just make an educated vote."

Kudos to both of those statements! People make a difference just by speaking out. People make a difference by bringing things to light instead of allowing them to stay hidden. Truth in government, isn't that what we all want?

Any yes, vote!! Let your voice be heard and make a difference.

However, I don't know about the vote often thing...I'm pretty sure it's one person, one vote. ;)

Edward P said: "I am pround to say I'm from Brookneal and look forward to the direction we are heading."

I would have to ask what direction you believe we are heading though? It seems to me that Brookneal is just spinning her wheels.

Don't get me wrong, there is GREAT potential here. But I clearly remember Richard Adams stating six months into his term on council that he planned to form an economic development committee. This committee would be made of a couple of representatives from the town council, citizens, and business owners. He was going to make it his #1 priority to form this committee, bring jobs to this town, and help Brookneal grow. Has he done any of this? The last time I checked, the answer was no.

Please don't think he is the only one who has made empty promises. This one just really sticks with me because it was such an elaborate promise that was absolutely NEVER pursued further than Richard's lips! I know this because I worked there. It's in the minutes.

I can tell you, though, that this is typical of Mr. Adams. It is also my understanding that he promised, if the council would pass the 08/09 budget, he would personally make sure they started looking into hiring a town manager right away. Yet if you look at the minutes of the last meeting you will see that when Mr. Jennings made a motion to hire a town manager, Mr. Adams first voted to abstain, then he tried to change it to a No vote when he realize the motion would pass. He does not want to hire a new town manager but didn’t want to be on record initially as voting against it because so many in town support the idea. When his hand was forced he tried to change his vote, my guess is he is afraid the next town manager won’t be in his back pocket. We need truth and integrity in government people, not more lip service when it serves a politicians purpose. We need someone with a backbone and the ability to make decisions not flip flop back and forth depending on what serves his own personal agenda. This holds true whether it’s local government or the President!

So, my point is, if the direction people believe the Town of Brookneal is going in is based on words that came from council's lips then don't be so quick to believe it. It's called lip service and it's typical of many a politician. Look around and see what’s being done, not what’s being talked about. Talk is cheap folks, and plentiful too.

Laurie F.

Anonymous said...

Edward P, let me add one more thing. If you are the Edward P. that I believe you to be then I want to say that you are one of the people who has been involved. You are one of the people who has tried to seek change by speaking out. For that, you are to be commended!

Laurie F.

Anonymous said...

Please let me make one correction to my earlier post.

I said "Yet if you look at the minutes of the last meeting you will see that when Mr. Jennings made a motion to hire a town manager, Mr. Adams first voted to abstain, then he tried to change it to a No vote when he realize the motion would pass."

I should not have stated that the actions mentioned were in the town minutes. I have no way of knowing if Bobbie Waller will put the minutes together based on what actually happened or what some would prefer being in the written record. When I was doing the minutes I would type them up with the truth no matter what it was. However, I understand that has not always been the case since I left.

Laurie F.