Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Early Christmas present

If you could put a make a wish and get a write-in candidate for mayor elected who would it be?


Anonymous said...

Kenneth Jennings, Tracy Meisenbach, Bob Jean, Dennis Laughlin........
Heck, right now I'd even settle for Charles Manson if they would let him out of prison.

Anonymous said...

I'd agree with Ken Jennings being mayor. I respect Ms. Meisenbach and Mr. Jean, but they would serve better staying on the council.
Mr. Laughlin is another good choice, as is Billy Guthrie.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and considering some of the council members and staff we have now Charlie Manson would fit right in.

Anonymous said...

You know, I've been debating since I read this early this morning on whether or not I should respond. I may not make any friends for saying this, but I can't post here without saying something.

I really don't think it's appropriate to compare anyone in the town administration to Charles Manson. Now, that's just my opinion so take it for what it is. It's just that Charles Manson was a vile, vicious man who was responsible for the death of many. As much as I think the town would be better served by someone else in that position, I can not in good conscience support comparing the Mayor to Charles Manson. I would pray that we do not have anyone in the town who is that bad. I do realize that this was probably said in jest, but it still seems to cross a line, at least for me.

It also seems to me that more people would be open to change if everyone refrained from calling names and simply discussed the facts and the records.

One other point that I would like to make is that if a sitting council member (who is not up for re-election) runs as a write in for Mayor then that leaves a vacant seat on the council. The council would then have the authority to name the replacement for that seat until the next election. It might go the way you want, it might not. Just something to think about. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello "Brookneal Blogger"

What is your opinion?

Charles Manson for Mayor, he would fit right in?

Where do you stand with your eager followers?


Brookneal Blogger said...

Mr Pearson,
>Where do you stand with your eager followers?

I wasn't aware anyone was following me, especially since I run at the back of the pack!

I'm sure Mr. Manson would be a pretty big problem. We're not that hard up.

I have to agree with high hopes that Mr. Jennings would be a good choice. I also think Billy Guthrie would be a good choice. He's a business owner and a genuinely nice man.

I'm going to mention something else too. 4 years ago when Mr. Hailey ran the first time he came to my girlfriend's house and sat down with us to tell us he was running for council. He had some pretty big plans, including bringing in a Walmart. He also joked and said that one day he planned on being Mayor.
I haven't seen that he has accomplished anything he said he was going to do.
At the time I thought having a younger man on the council was a good idea, but he has sorely disappointed me. Early in his term he would vote against some of the more questionable things the Mayor wanted done, but now he is a complete follower. I held out hope for him until the council meeting where he abstained on voting to run an ad for the town manager. It was a complete cop-out and proved to me that he is nothing but a puppet for the Mayor.
He needs to come off of the council and be replaced by someone that knows what is going on and has the education to understand town issues.

This is why I hope everyone will write-in Tamera Sprouse and Sonya Furguson. They are qualified, not politically affiliated with the Mayor and bring a lot of things to the table that have been lacking.

Anonymous said...

Hello "Brookneal Blogger"
Thank you, I agree.

Anonymous said...

...I agree for the most part.
I again wanted to tell you I appreciate your Blog even if we disagree on some issues but I do feel each of our goals are the same. To better our town. Nothing personal when I comment against.


Anonymous said...

i think deedee cox or terry colbert would be a good mayor.

i hope the write-ins get elected. we need to people on the council that will make changes and quit using their office for their own gain.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for Mr. Jennings or Mrs. Meisenback for Mayor.

Two years ago when the elections were going on I got calls from both Mr. Nowlin and Mrs. Campbell telling me to write in Loranzo Ruff for council, in order to bump Mrs. Meisenback out of her seat. I must have gotten on the wrong call list, because I never could figure out why they called me. I thought it was sneaky, and typical of the Mayor, to pull that kind of stuff right before the election. It didn't work, which is a good thing or there'd be another puppet on the council.

Now we find out the Mayor tells the Chamber not to have a candidates' forum so the write-in candidates can't talk to the community. Is she afraid someone from the audience will stand up and ask her point blank why she insists on keeping the twin money pits of Mike Crews and Bill Gillispie on the payroll?

I'm sure that Mrs. Meisenback isn't the only council member reading this blog, she's just the only one replying, and it probably makes some of the other council members angry. I don't always agree with her votes, but respect the fact she will speak out, even if it's an unpopular issue. I didn't vote for her the first time she ran, but I did the second, and if she ran for Mayor I'd vote for her.

I've known Mr. Jennings for most of our lives. He's turned his life around and in the past year he's taken some stands on the council that have shown that he's not going to be manipulated by the Mayor. He has stood up for the employees of the town, against the bullying and retalitory actions of the Mayor and Mr. Crews.

In two weeks we'll know if Brookneal is moving ahead, or continuing down hill.

Anonymous said...

i think we need to just go back to the county and boot them all out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brookneal bloggers!

I don't want to take anything away from the Brookneal Blog, but there is another forum out there today for people in the Brookneal area.

If you all have a minute, could you check out...

THANKS! Hope to see you all around there!

Oh, and Brookneal Blogger, if there is a conflict with me posting this here please feel free to remove this. I don't want to step on any toes! :)