Sunday, April 5, 2009

Officer back on duty

Looks like the town council finally got their heads on straight and they've put Officer Earhart back on full duty. It's about time!

I wonder if there will be any other fall out from this fiasco?


Brookneal Blogger said...

It was nice to see Officer Earhart out on patrol again.

Sarcastic Jr. If you post one more bit of crap about anyone on my blogger I will have you permanently banned and notify your server.
I am the owner of this blog, no one else. Keep you lies to yourself.

Tuffy Horse said...

I'm glad Officer Earhart is back at work. I think he's supposed to go get the dog next week.

Now if we could get the budget worked out things would be good.

Tracy M

Tuffy Horse said...


It seems like you're doing nothing more then trying to stir things up.
A few points you might consider before poting such drivel:

1) How would anyone that actually knows me from the past ( as your first post suggests) know who you are since you have no online identity posted. I'm pretty sure i don't know any telepathic people.

2) If you're not trying to imply that I'm the blogger then why post such tripe? Had you any common sense at all, as well as any integrity, you'd wouldn't have posted such a ridiculous statement. Why is it ridiculous? Because the blogger has posted during times when I am nowhere near a computer. He's posted when I can prove I was flying out to Idaho for BOD meetings. You can't post from a plane. He's posted on weekends I can prove I was at a horseshow, in the middle of a ring, judging a class. No computers there. He's posted when I have been at the hospital with my mom. I can prove where I was at times and dates, so for someone to make that suggestion simply shows how stupid, or malicious they are.

If someone chose to call YOU, as someone that has posted here anonymously, then you've obviously had your indentity hacked since nothing of your offline persona shows here. I suggest you contact the polie and report a cyber crime, since someone was able to lift your identity from a post made on a blog.
I doubt this will happen because in reality you're once again lying about me, as you have done in the past.

Tracy M

Buck Hunter said...

It's "weigh" not "way".

Wow, I just got a phone call that told me that Sacastic jR is a convicted child molestor or a three time convicted felon and he's doing nothing but stir up crap. I was also told that he's on the payroll of the Queen Bee and is the number one butt kisser.
Of course I saved the message, and even if I don't think it has any truth to it I'm going to post about it here, just so everyone researchign Brookneal can read it and speculate more.

Actually I do think it has a lot of truth to it. It's obvious you're one of the puppets for the Queen Bee.

Melrose Bison said...

Time to get out the popcorn......another soap opera blog entry!!!

Tuffy Horse said...


I agree. Looks like the resident troll has decided to trash up the blog despite his previous promise to never post again.

Tracy M

Buck Hunter said...

Now that all the police are back on duty someone needs to be patrolling the boat ramp and town lake more often. I've seen a lot of drinking and harassment at both places recently.