Monday, May 4, 2009

Day in the Town and Striped Bass Festival

Day in the Town was a lot of fun. Didn't look like there was as many vendors as in the past, but the weather was a lot nicer than last year. The fishing seemed good too. We saw a huge catfish in the blue live tank that looked like it could have eaten a small dog.

My fiancee's girls (she adopted her nieces last year) enjoyed the blow up playhouses and the fried bread treats. We also bought them each a dog puppet and they had fun walking them up and down the street. We saw most of the council people, including Mrs. Meisenbach with a stroller full of ferrets. That was different, at first I thought she'd had a baby. Mr. Nowlin spoke to me and teased the girls a bit, I'm not sure if he knew who I am, but he was certainly pleasant. We bought some kabobs from Chief Cousin's booth and they were really good. I wish he'd open a diner. The man selling the t-shirts helped me restock my weekend wardrobe. We also had a buffalo burger is it was awesome!


Melrose Bison said...


Even though the number of vendors seemed a little lower this year, I thought the turnout was great! I'm glad the weather held off. It's nice to see the town enjoying itself.

Glad you enjoyed the buffalo burger!


Brookneal Blogger said...


The burger was good! It's strange to think of buffalo here in Virginia.
The weather is playing tricks on us tis month. It's been hot/cold/hot. Every time I almost pack my sweatshirts up it gets cold again.